Editing and Translation Grant 


One of the CSDC’s central missions is to provide an enriched training environment for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.

All applicants are strongly advised to carefully read and follow the instructions and requirements outlined in the Guidelines.


These grants are intended to stimulate the publication of original research by students or postdoctoral fellows, mainly in a scientific journal or an edited book.

The CSDC recognizes that publishing in a different language than one’s first language can be a barrier to academic progression. These grants are intended to allow editing and/or translation of a text written in a language that is not the first language of the applicant (e.g., English by a researcher whose first language is not English).

General Rules:

All CSDC students and postdoctoral fellows are eligible to receive a CSDC editing and translation grant in the course of their program to publish original research results in a peerreview journal or an edited book on a topic that is directly related to the CSDC research axes

A student or postdoctoral fellow can only receive one (1) editing and translation grant per year (September – August) and only one (1) grant per article or chapter. (For instance, a person cannot receive one grant for the initial version of a manuscript, and a second grant the following year for a revised version of the same manuscript.)


All CSDC graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are eligible for funding.

Note: grants can only be dispersed while you are a CSDC graduate student or post-doctoral fellow and can under no circumstances be paid after you have left.

  • The submitted manuscript is a journal article, a book chapter or a book.
  • The applicant must be the first author of the manuscript.
  • The manuscript must be edited in or translated in a language other than the declared first language of the applicant.
  • The subject of the manuscript is part of the research axes of the CSDC.

Starting dates:

The starting dates to apply for a grant are: September 1st, December 1st, March 1st and June 1st.

Grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, based on the eligibility of the request and availability of annual funds for support of CSDC graduate students and post-doctoral fellows.

There are 4 grants of $250 available per period. If less than 4 grants are awarded within a period, the non-awarded funds will be available for the next period within the 2024-2025 year.

Eligible expenses:

Eligible expenses are editing and translation expenses.

If you have questions, please contact cecd-csdc@umontreal.ca.


The grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • On the CSDC website, the applicant completes the form:
    • providing the title of the text being submitted,
    • an abstract of the manuscript (max.: 250 words),
    • the name of the journal or book for which it is intended and,
    • name and address of person who will do the editing or translation;
  • Supervisor to send an email to cecd-csdc@umontreal.ca  confirming the stage of development of the article or chapter;
  • The eligibility of the application is assessed by the CSDC coordinator with the assistance of the CSDC director. In case of doubt, the CSDC coordinator and director may ask the advice from one or more members of the CSDC Steering Committee.
  • The form becomes available on the CSDC website on each period’s starting date and remains available as long as funding is available within each funding period.


The recipient agrees to:

  • Submit the article or chapter for publication, and forward a proof confirming receipt of the manuscript to the CSDC no later than 6 months after the grant has been awarded;
  • Mention the financial support granted by the CSDC for the drafting of this article;
  • Submit a copy of the article or chapter to the CSDC as soon as the article or chapter is published, so that this information can be included in the CSDC newsletter, website, Facebook page, Annual report, etc

Funding and tenure:

Maximum $ 250

The grant must be used for the project originally approved and should be used within 6 months of notification. If the grant is not used in this timeframe, an extension must be requested from and approved by the Steering Committee.

Notification of Award:

Applicants will be notified by email within 15 days of the submission of the application setting forth the amount and conditions of the award. A copy will be sent to the applicant’s supervisor. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified by email. It should be recognized that the CSDC has a limited amount of funds and, although applications may have merit, there may not be sufficient funds to award all such applications.

Incomplete submissions:

All applicants are strongly advised to carefully read and follow the instructions and requirements outlined in the Guidelines. To maintain the principle of fairness to all applicants, guidelines must be adhered to in the preparation of the grant application. Non-adherence to the guidelines or incomplete submissions will lead to rejection (without appeal) of the application. Requiring adherence to the guidelines has the advantage of being unambiguous for applicants, easily enforceable by staff and/or Steering Committee, as well as fair and equitable for all applicants


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