2023 Graduate Students Conference
The Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship (CSDC) hosted its annual graduate student conference on March 31 – April 1, 2023, in Québec. The goal of this conference is to offer graduate and postdoctoral students interested in the Centre’s research areas the opportunity to present and receive feedback on their research.
This year, there were 21 presentations by students from 5 universities members of the CSDC (Concordia, McGill, Université Laval and Université de Montréal) and 2 non-members universities (Paris Dauphine – France and Linneaus University – Sweden).
The full program is available here.

Congratulations to the two students who received the best paper award at the 2023 CSDC Graduate Student Conference:
Lydia Laflamme –MA student in Political Science at the l’Université Laval (supervisor : Yannick Dufresne)
Présentation: La menace linguistique au Québec – les sources et liens avec le nationalisme
Camille Arteau-Leclerc– PhD student in Political Science at the Université Laval (supervisor : Thierry Giasson)
Présentation: Analyse de la communication politique de @theJagmeetSingh sur TikTok
The CSDC thanks all the participants. Also, a thank you to the organizing committee, Nadjim Fréchet, Dominic Duval.
For information on past conferences click here.