2024 Graduate Students Conference
The Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship (CSDC) hosted its annual graduate student conference on 7-8 March, in Québec. The goal of this conference is to offer graduate and postdoctoral students interested in the Centre’s research areas the opportunity to present and receive feedback on their research.
This year, there were 23 presentations by students from 5 universities members of the CSDC (Concordia, McGill, Université Laval, Université de Montréal et Université de Sherbrooke) and 2 non-members universities (American University and University of Ottawa).
The full program is available here
See the photos of the event here.

Congratulations to the two students who received the best paper award at the 2024 CSDC Graduate Student Conference:
Haroun Aramis –MA student in Political Science at Concordia (supervisor: Antoine Bilodeau)
Presentation: « Parler français ou bien le parler? Le rôle de la langue et de l’accent dans la construction de l’identité québécoise et leurs effets sur les attitudes envers la diversité ethnoculturelle»
Matthew Taylor– PhD student in Political Science at Université de Montréal (supervisor: Ruth Dassonneville)
Presentation: « Split Decision: Federal and Provincial Elections in Ontario, 1997-2022»
The CSDC thanks all the participants. Also, a thank you to the organizing committee, Marc-Antoine Martel et Dominic Duval.
For information on past conferences click here.