Infrastructure Grant

Introduction :

The purpose of the Infrastructure Grant is to provide financial support to CSDC members to enhance the Centre’s research capabilities and to strategically use our FRQSC infrastructure funding.

According to the FRQSC guidelines:

“This funding {Major Research Facility} covers the development and operating costs of a research infrastructure, whether in the form of databases, research equipment, laboratories, etc.”

The infrastructure must be shared and made available to all CSDC members, postdoctoral fellows and students. The infrastructure should also be made available to CSDC partners and the research community, if possible.

Priority will be given to proposals that will benefit the greatest possible number of members and users, and whose infrastructure will be shared among the Centre’s partner universities.

The grant is not intended to fund a single research project, but a broad range of projects by the Centre’s members and students.

We strongly encourage eligible members to obtain matching funds (cash or in-kind) from other sources (university, faculty, department, external funding agencies, etc.), although this is not a requirement for this grant program.

Eligible Expenses:

Eligible expenses are:

  • Computer equipment and software licenses that form a complete system developed for the purpose of supporting research;
  • Purchase of equipment (new, used or refurbished) or repair or upgrade of existing equipment;
  • Development and operationalization of a pool of participants;
  • Storage and maintenance of a network;
  • Remuneration of technicians, assistants or students to develop and operationalize the infrastructure;
  • Other expenses not listed that are covered by the FRQSC guidelines for infrastructure.

Ineligible expenses are :

  • Salaries for research staff for a research project;
  • Remuneration of students for a research project;consumables, office supplies, etc

Conditions of the award:

The duration of the grant can be a maximum of 3 years or until the end of the CÉCD funding, whichever comes first.

How to apply :

Applications can be submitted throughout the year and the Steering Committee will evaluate them on a first-come, first-served basis.

Submit a complete application and provide the documents indicated below. Applicants may be invited to a meeting to answer questions from the Committee.

List of documents to submit :

  1. Proposition (max. 2 pages), incluant :
  • Proposal (max. 2 pages), including.
    • Purpose: data collection, data maintenance, data reuse or archiving, data analysis, or other.
    • Description of the types of research supported by the infrastructure.
  • Need and urgency of funding this infrastructure for research compared to other facilities on campus or other funding options, and time saved by this infrastructure.
  • Anticipated users and frequency of use (provide details for each of the following categories: members, postdoctoral fellows, students, and partners).
    • Accessibility of the infrastructure to other members of the CÉCD and the scientific community in general.
  • Long-term vision for the use of the infrastructure.
  • Whether the infrastructure will help attract other funding, and how.
  1. Budget and budget justification (1 Page)
  • Include a detailed budget breakdown with a justification for each item.
  • Explain how you will use the funds and why you need them.
  • If the required infrastructure involves management and maintenance costs, explain how they will be covered.
  • Provide quote(s) (if available). We recommend providing a quote rather than a personal estimate
  • Contributions from other funding agencies and/or partners.

Amount :

Up to $10,000 per year

Note: The strategic cluster receiving this supplement for major research facilities must allow broader access to this equipment, make it available to its community, offer an interinstitutional service and adopt a policy for access, use and data retention, if applicable.


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