CAnD3 – CSDC Fellowship
Date limite : 10 mars 2025
Are you interested in putting what you are learning in your graduate program to work? The Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship (CSDC) and the Consortium on Analytics for Data-Driven Decision-Making (CAnD3) are inviting CSDC graduate students and post-doctoral fellows to apply for the 2024 – 2025 CAnD3 – CSDC Fellowship.
Become a CAnD3 Fellow and join our training program, which will complement your formal training in population research with highly marketable skills to support data-driven decision-making.
The CAnD3 program is primarily aimed at doctoral students who are currently conducting research in the field of population science studies (broadly defined), but will also consider compelling applications from masters and postdoctoral fellow
The program involves a one-year commitment, which requires active participation in the training program from September to June. Fellows have the opportunity to engage in peer learning, and cross-sector mentoring, and acquire the latest data science skills as well as communication skills useful for conveying data results to various audiences, among others
- PhD candidate in population research (e.g. economics, demography, sociology, geography, political science, psychology etc.). Master’s students and postdoctoral fellows will be considered on case-by-case basis. • All students must be registered in their program throughout the entire 25-26 academic year.
- Enrolled with a CAnD3 academic partner.
- (Mandatory) Confirmed availability on Wednesdays, from 10AM-2PM ET from September 2025 to June 2026, and the capacity to devote an average of 5 hours per week to the training program.
- (Mandatory) Written and signed approval to participate in program from student’s academic supervisor
Funding :
You will receive an award of CA$5,000 for your participation in the program followed by an extra CA$1250 upon completion and submission of deliverables. You will also get privileged access to competitive remunerated opportunities with partners in the private, non-profit and government sectors.
The CSDC will distribute an additional $5,000 among the CSDC candidates selected by CAnD3.
Deadline :
March 10, 2025
Application :
- Complete information form in Qualtrics here.
- Send the following four documents to
- One-page statement of interest (~500 words) with explicit reference to your interests and/or past experiences relating to the three pillars of the CAnD3 Fellows training program: 1) population dynamics in an aging society; 2) population data science; 3) research-to decision-making pipeline). Instructions: In preparing this statement, we invite you to consult the Fellow profile table below for the basic skills and competencies expected in this program. We ask you to position your past experiences in this framework or expressing your desire for upskilling with regards to certain areas. Note that, if admitted, we will also ask you to fill out a more comprehensive survey regarding your level of competency in these various areas to ensure we have a good grasp of the distribution of skills in the cohort. Rest assured that not meeting the minimum requirement for these areas of competency will not negatively affect your application; however, we may recommend some resources for upskilling prior to the program start date to ensure a more enjoyable experience and optimal learning potential.
- Short Résumé/CV highlighting relevant previous experiences (work, research and volunteer experience; coursework), with names and contact information of two references.
- Unofficial Transcripts (undergrad and grad).
- Letter from academic supervisor (using either the partner university or non-partner university template letter attached depending on whether your university is already part of CAnD3) confirming approval of participation.
Annual Recruitment and Selection Timeline
- January 2025 | Call for applicants opens
- February 19th 2025 | Information Session for all applicants
- March 10th 2025 | Application deadline
- April 2025 | Successful applicants are contacted
- June 9th 2025 | Onboarding and introduction to partners (virtually or in-person for Fellows who travel to Montreal to attend June 10th Keynote Address)
- June 10th 2025 | Annual in-person CAnD3 event (travel expenses covered)
- August 19th-21st 2025 | R Workshop hosted in Oxford, UK (travel expenses covered)
- Sept 2025-June 2026 | Active engagement in CAnD3 training program: weekly meeting attendance on Wednesdays and commitment of about 5 hours per week of participation in activities and exercises
- June 2026 | Annual in-person CAnD3 event (travel expenses covered)