Seed, Dissemination and other grants


One of the main missions of the Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship (CSDC) is to support its members in :

  • the initiation of new collaborations, new interdisciplinary projects, and broader funding initiatives;
  • the dissemination of knowledge within the scientific community, towards society or the general public (workshops, seminars, conferences, awareness raising/knowledge mobilization activities, other public events, etc.);
  • other achievements that meet the objectives set by the FRQSC for the Strategic Clusters program.

We ask all applicants to read carefully the instructions and requirements outlined in the guidelines. Don’t hesitate to contact the Centre with any questions.


Applications for CSDC seed, dissemination, and other grants are accepted on a rolling basis.


All CSDC faculty members are eligible for this funding. CSDC postdoctoral fellows are also eligible as co-applicants, with at least one Centre faculty member as the principal applicant.

Applications for a “seed grant” must lead to collaborations between several members of the Centre. Inter-disciplinary projects will be prioritized.


Applications must contain the following information:

  1. The type of grant requested: “seed grant,” “dissemination grant,” or “other grant.”
  2. Description of the proposed project or dissemination activity (maximum 2 pages) including
    • Names of all applicants
    • Academic affiliation of all applicants
    • Email address of the lead applicant (who is the contact person)
    • Title of proposed project or workshop
  3. Budget (maximum 1 page) including
    • Budget estimate (expenditure and, if applicable, other planned sources of funding)
    • Description of the estimated budget

Please submit your application in a single PDF file containing all the necessary elements by email to

Funding and duration:

The maximum amount awarded for a seed, dissemination or other grant is $5000.

The grant must be used for the originally approved project or dissemination activity and must be used within 12 months of its issuance. If the grant is not used within this timeframe, an extension must be requested and approved by the Steering Committee.

Eligible expenses:

Eligible expenses according to the FRQSC rules include travel, scholarships for graduate students, hiring of research professionals and technicians, administrative support and purchase of equipment. Direct payments to participants for an experiment and research assistants are not eligible expenses.

To see all eligible expenses, please consult the FRQ Common General Rules, section 8. If you have any questions, please contact the CSDC at

Evaluation criteria:

Grants are awarded based on excellence and relevance to the FRQSC’s Strategic Cluster programme objectives. Applications are evaluated by the CSDC Steering Committee. Each member of the Committee evaluates the applications according to the following criteria:

  1. Is the proposal consistent with the Centre’s scientific programming?
  2. Is the budget realistic and do the expenses comply with the FRQSC rules?
  3. In the case of seed grants :
  • Does the proposal lead to several, new, or inter-disciplinary collaborations between members of the Centre?
  • Is the proposal a first step towards completing a larger funding application in the future?
  • Does the project involve data collection that could be carried out by the Centre and made available to other Centre members?
  1. In the case of a dissemination activity :
  • Does the proposal target a well-defined audience?
  • Will the proposal effectively reach the target audience?
  • Will the dissemination activity be open to other members of the CSDC?
  1. In the case of other applications :
  • Does the proposal meet the objectives of the FRQSC Strategic Clusters program?
  • Does the proposal differ significantly from the achievements of the Centre’s other funding opportunities?

Note: It is not possible to fund the same project or dissemination activity twice.

Announcement of the results:

As far as possible, selected applicants will be informed by e-mail within 60 days of submission, including details of the amount and conditions of use of the grant.

Non-selected applicants will also be informed by email. The CSDC has limited resources and, while all projects are worthy of funding, there may not be enough funds to support all applications.

End of Grant Reporting and Accountability:

Recipients of seed, dissemination or other grants must acknowledge the support of the CSDC in all their scientific and media communications related to this funding.

It is important for the CSDC tp receive information about the results of the funded research. To this end, recipients will be required to submit an End of Grant Report within 6 months of the end of funding. This report takes the form of a summary of the research and includes publications, presentations, funding applications and a financial statement. Please note that the CSDC must be acknowledged in your publications.

Recipients of a seed grant may be asked to present their results at a Centre event.

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