Affiches workshop 2024 rev (2048 x 666 px)
Affiches 2024 (2048 x 666 px)
Solidarity - carrousel
Speaker Series (2024-12-13) - Site web v.2
Emerging Scholar Award
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September 18, 2024
12:30-3:30 p.m.

Methodology Workshop –Introduction to R and the tidyverse
Université de Montréal, 3150 Jean Brillant, Montréal, Québec
Registration required

September 27-28, 024
(full day)

The Toronto-Montreal Political Behavior Workshop
near Campus McGill, Montréal
Registration required

October 18-19, 2024
(full day)

Diversity and the Bounds of Solidarity: Barriers and Expectations in Public Opinion
UQAM, Montreal
Registration required

October 25-26, 2024
(full day)

1st Transatlantic Political Economy Conference (T-PEC)
Campus HEC et McGill, Montréal

December 13, 024
(1:30 – 4:30 p.m.)

Belonging and integration: Diverse perspectives on the children of immigrants

Concordia Conference Centre, Pavillon John Molson, 9th floor, 1600 blvd MaisonneuveWest, Monteéal


Interview with Frédérick Bastien on Radio-Canada radio this Tuesday, August 20. It focused on interviews between politicians and journalists.

The CSDC congratulates Ruth Dassonneville on receiving the APSA Emerging Scholar Award (@epovb)

The CSDC congratulates Professor André Blais, who was awarded the prestigious Warren E. Miller Prize on this well-deserved recognition for his dedication and lasting impact on our academic community.


Mariano Torcal Loriente
(Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain)

Democratic experience matters twice: the cross-national and longitudinal effect of democracy on winner/loser gaps in political trust

Mads Andreas Elkjaer
(University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

Middle-Class Democracy: Economic Inequality and Political Representation in Comparative Perspective

Yasemin Soysal
(WZB Berlin Social Science Center , Germany)

Liberal Agentic Citizenship, its Global Reach and Limitations: Europe and China Comparisons