
Polimeter is an independent initiative developed by political scientists that checks whether politicians keep the promises they make.

The main Polimeter database is available in Excel format. This database is updated regularly to include information from the most recent mandates. All interested users can access the most recent version of these files by contacting Alexandre Fortier-Chouinard.


François Legault

Coalition Avenir Québec
42e Quebec legislature (03 Dec. 2018 – 28 Aug. 2022)
43e Quebec legislature (20 Oct. 2022 – Present)

Philippe Couillard

Quebec Liberal Party
41e Legislature du Québec (23 Apr 2014 – 23 Aug 2018)

Pauline Marois

Parti québécois
40e Quebec legislature (30 Oct. 2012 – 05 Mar. 2014)

Canada (Federal)

 Justin Trudeau

Liberal Party of Canada
42nd Parliament of Canada (03 Dec. 2015 – 11 Sept. 2019)
43rd Parliament of Canada (05 dDe. 2019 – 15 Aug. 2021)
44th Parliament of Canada (22 Nov. 2021 – Present)

Stephen Harper

Conservative Party of Canada
41st Parliament of Canada (30 mai 2011 – 02 août 2015)


Polimeter uses the method of the Comparative Party Pledge Group (CPPG) created by Elin Naurin, Robert Thomson, and Terry Royed to identify and extract promises from official political party documents.

Polimeter Guide and Procedures (French text only.).

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