Travel grant (conferences)

October 1, 2024 to September 30, 2025


 The CSDC awards travel grants (conferences) to graduate students and post-doctoral fellows, to present, in person, their research at conferences.

Starting September 2024 the CSDC will have 2 annual registration periods for the CSDC Travel Grant conferences:

  • September 1 -30, 2024 -for conferences held between October 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025.
  • February 1 – 28, 2025 – for conferences held between April 1, 2025 – September 30, 2025.

It is strongly recommended that you carefully read and follow the instructions and requirements outlined in the guidelines.

General rules :

All CSDC graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are eligible to receive a CSDC travel grant during the course of their program to make a presentation of original research results, in person, at a scholarly conference on a topic that is directly related to the CSDC research axis.

A student can receive per degree or postdoc fellowship)

  • 1 travel grant/MA
  • 2 travel grants/PhD
  • 1 travel grant/Postdoc 

Grant amount 

The maximum amount for travel grants is $ 1,000 per conference, unless the conference takes place within 400 km of the student’s or postdoctoral fellow’s home university per year the amount is $ 500. The scholarship will be taken into account in the number of scholarships per degree or postdoctoral fellowship.

Reimbursements per year

Students and postdoctoral fellows may receive only one (1) scholarship (reimbursement) per year (October 2024 – September 2025)

In other words, students are not allowed to split the travel grant across multiple conferences.. Students are expected to plan strategically how to spend their conference travel monies over the course of their degree or postdoctoral fellowship.

Awards can only be dispersed while you are a CSDC graduate student or postdoctoral fellow and your CSDC web page is up to date (including a photo). Under no circumstances can the travel grant be paid after you have left.


In order to be eligible for a travel grant, all students and postdoctoral fellows must register their intent to travel :

  • September 1 -30, 2024 -for conferences held between October 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025.

  • February 1 – 28, 2025 – for conferences held between April 1, 2025 – September 30, 2025.

Any student or postdoctoral fellow who does not notify the CSDC of his or her intention to use the travel grant during these periods will not be eligible for a travel grant (conference)  for the period October 2024 – September 2025. A student or postdoctoral fellow may, however, cancel her or his intention to apply if circumstances change, without penalty.

Detailed instructions

  1. Students must confirm by email the acceptance of their presentation at least four weeks before the start of the conference.
  2. As a component of their travel conference grant allocation, students may claim per diem amounts with a total daily allowance of $70 for domestic travel and $90 for international travel. Other eligible expenses include travel (flight, train or bus), ground transportation (taxi or public transit), accommodation (the hotel receipt must have the applicant’s name on it) and conference registration and related fees.
  3. Students are not allowed to claim travel expenses for other students unless they have first obtained written permission from CSDC staff.
  4. Please note that to receive funding from the CSDC, you must have completed the CSDC registration form, as well as have fully completed (photo included) and updated your profile on the CSDC website.
  5. Grant payment requests must be made within 4 weeksof conference travel by sending proof travel to (for example invoice flights and boarding passes, hotel, etc.). Grant requests submitted after this deadline will not be processed.
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