Laurie Beaudonnet
Université de Montreal
Department of Political Science
Address: PAVILLON M.CARON-L.GROULX-3200 Jean Brillant \ bur. C-4031
Tel: 514-343-6111 #3701
PhD, 2012, European University Institute, Florence Master, 2008, Sciences Po, Paris BA, 2006, Universite Lyon II Lumiere, Lyon
Laurie Beaudonnet is an Assistant Professor of Political Science and the Jean Monnet Chair (Projet Euroscope) at Université de Montréal. Her research centers around the fields of political behaviour and public opinion in the European Union, more specifically towards European integration and anti-Roma attitudes. Professor Beaudonnet uses a variety of quantitative methods in her research on European citizens' attitudes, such as public opinion surveys and voter studies.
Research Axis
- Axis 1: Learning Democratic Citizenship in an Unequal World - Cet axe se concentre sur l’acquisition de valeurs, d’attitudes et de comportements qui contribuent à une citoyenneté démocratique dynamique. La démocratie repose fondamentalement sur le principe de l’égalité politique, mais dans la pratique, le désavantage économique et social se traduit par un accès inégal au pouvoir politique et à la prise de décision (Schlozman et al 2012). L’inégalité a de profondes implications pour l’inclusion, la réactivité et, en fin de compte, la légitimité même de notre système démocratique. L’inégalité croissante détruit les fondements de la démocratie, entraînant une polarisation politique accrue et une désaffection de la politique (Kwon 2015). Plus que jamais, les démocraties efficaces exigent des citoyens engagés, responsables et bien informés. Comprendre les facteurs qui influent sur le développement de ce type de citoyenneté démocratique active est un objectif clé de l’axe 1.
- Axis 2: Practicing Citizenship in a Skeptical World - The practice of democratic citizenship is undergoing a multifaceted transition. There are fundamental changes in conceptions of democratic citizenship and in its practice as well as the targets of citizen action. Scepticism about representative democracy as a system of governance is growing and citizens across established democracies are withdrawing from politics. Their perception about the political world is impacted by transformations in the news media practices and by online content, including social media. Voting and party politics have been the basis of conventional interpretations of citizenship, but there is ample evidence that this conception is much too limited. New forms of communication are providing citizens with novel ways to gather information and to engage in politics.
Misconstruing the European project? How welfare issues color attitudes towards Europe
Year: 2010
Place: Brussels
Conference: PIREDEU Final Conference
Year: 2010
Place: Brussels
Conference: PIREDEU Final Conference
The Importance of Being Social: the Impact of Welfare on Support for Europe
Year: 2010
Place: Porto
Conference: Fifth ECPR Pan-European Conference on EU Politics
Year: 2010
Place: Porto
Conference: Fifth ECPR Pan-European Conference on EU Politics
Decision-Making in the Enlarged EU Council of Ministers: A Softer Consensus Norm as an Explanation for its Apparent Adaptability?”
Year: 2010
Place: Brussels
Conference: Fifth ECPR Pan-European Conference on EU Politics,
Year: 2010
Place: Brussels
Conference: Fifth ECPR Pan-European Conference on EU Politics,
Is the grass always greener on the other side? Explaining citizens' trust in European institutions.
Year: 2011
Raul Gomez
Place: Dublin
Conference: Annual conference of the European Political Science Association
Year: 2011
Raul Gomez
Place: Dublin
Conference: Annual conference of the European Political Science Association
“Who is to blame? Political Retribution, the Economic crisis and the 2009 European elections.”
Year: 2012
Bruno Cautrès
Place: Ocford
Conference: Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (EPOP) Conference
Year: 2012
Bruno Cautrès
Place: Ocford
Conference: Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (EPOP) Conference
“The Spatial Logics of Identification: Mapping European Identities at the Individual Level.”
Year: 2012
Conference: European Identity in Times of Crisis
Year: 2012
Conference: European Identity in Times of Crisis
“Misconstruing the European project? How welfare issues colour attitudes towards Europe.”
Journal: An Audit of Democracy in the European Union
Year: 2012
Place: Florence
Publisher: EUDO
Journal: An Audit of Democracy in the European Union
Year: 2012
Place: Florence
Publisher: EUDO
Citizens Like No Other. Contextual and Individual Explanations of Attitudes towards Roma Population in the EU
Year: 2013
Roxana Barbulescu
Conference: CES Conference
Year: 2013
Roxana Barbulescu
Conference: CES Conference
Strategic Voting vs. Issue Voting. Evidence from the French 2012 election
Year: 2013
Martial Foucault
Sona Golder
Place: Chicago
Conference: MPSA Annual Conference
Year: 2013
Martial Foucault
Sona Golder
Place: Chicago
Conference: MPSA Annual Conference
Protecting Us, Protecting Europe ? Public Concern about Immigration and Declining Support for European Integration in Italy
Journal: Perspectives on European Politics and Society
Volume: 15
Issue: 2
Year: 2014
First page:215
Last page: 237
Roxana Barbulescu
Journal: Perspectives on European Politics and Society
Volume: 15
Issue: 2
Year: 2014
First page:215
Last page: 237
Roxana Barbulescu
Take One For The Team? A Study Of The Individual Bases For European Solidarity In Times Of Crisis.
Year: 2014
Place: Montreal
Conference: European Community Studies Association-Canada biennial conference
Year: 2014
Place: Montreal
Conference: European Community Studies Association-Canada biennial conference
"Investigating the Renaissance of the French Far Left in the 2012 Presidential Election
Year: 2014
Pavos Vasilopoulos
Place: Chicago
Conference: MPSA Annual Conference
Year: 2014
Pavos Vasilopoulos
Place: Chicago
Conference: MPSA Annual Conference
L'effet négatif des élections européennes sur le soutien à l'Europe
Year: 2014
Place: Montreal
Conference: CEUE
Year: 2014
Place: Montreal
Conference: CEUE
Protecting us, Protecting Europe? Public Concern About Immigration and Declining Support for European Integration in Italy
Journal: Perspective on European Politics and Society (PEPS)
Volume: 15
Issue: 2
Year: 2014
First page:216
Last page: 237
Roxana Barbulescu
Journal: Perspective on European Politics and Society (PEPS)
Volume: 15
Issue: 2
Year: 2014
First page:216
Last page: 237
Roxana Barbulescu
“Green Parties in Hard Times: The Case of EELV in the 2012 French Presidential Election.”
Journal: Party Politics
Volume: 20
Issue: 2
Year: 2014
First page:275
Last page: 285
Pavlos Vasilopoulos
Journal: Party Politics
Volume: 20
Issue: 2
Year: 2014
First page:275
Last page: 285
Pavlos Vasilopoulos
The impact of Election outcomes on Satisfaction with Democracy in a Two Round System.
Journal: French Politics
Year: 2014
First page:22
Last page: 35
Martial Foucault
Journal: French Politics
Year: 2014
First page:22
Last page: 35
Martial Foucault
A Threatening Horizon: The Impact of the Welfare State on Support for Europe
Journal: JCMS: Journal of Common Market
Volume: 53
Issue: 3
Year: 2015
First page:457
Last page: 475
Journal: JCMS: Journal of Common Market
Volume: 53
Issue: 3
Year: 2015
First page:457
Last page: 475
A Red Letter Day: Investigating the Renaissance of the French Far Left in the 2012 Presidential Election
Journal: French Politics
Volume: 13
Issue: 2
Year: 2015
First page:121
Last page: 140
Pavlos Vasilopoulos
Bruno Cautrès
Journal: French Politics
Volume: 13
Issue: 2
Year: 2015
First page:121
Last page: 140
Pavlos Vasilopoulos
Bruno Cautrès
The Negative Effect of Elections to the European Parliament on Diffuse Support for the European Project
Journal: (Un)intended Consequences of European Parliament Elections
Year: 2016
Mark N Franklin
Christopher Wlezien
Journal: (Un)intended Consequences of European Parliament Elections
Year: 2016
Mark N Franklin
Christopher Wlezien
Red Europe Versus No Europe? The impact of attitudes towards the EU and the economic crisis on radical-left voting
Journal: West European Politics
Volume: 40
Issue: 2
Year: 2017
First page:316
Last page: 335
Raul Gomez
Journal: West European Politics
Volume: 40
Issue: 2
Year: 2017
First page:316
Last page: 335
Raul Gomez
Les partis politiques et l’Union
Journal: Traité d’études européennes
Year: 2018
Berdah, C
Publisher: Larcier
Journal: Traité d’études européennes
Year: 2018
Berdah, C
Publisher: Larcier