
Marc A. Bodet
Université Laval
Department of Political Science
Address: Pavillon Charles-De Koninck, Local 4437, 1030 avenue des Sciences humaines, Québec (QC)
Tel: 418-656-2131 #2875
Postdoctoral fellowship in political science (UBC);
Ph.D. in political science (McGill University);
M.Sc. en economics (Université de Montréal).
Marc André Bodet is an Associate Professor at Université Laval, specializing in Quebec and Canadian politics in a comparative perspective. His research explores political parties and elections through various techniques of quantitative analysis, such as surveys and official electoral results. Currently, he is collaborating on research concerning the role of citizens in a responsive and responsible democracy.
Research Interests
Research Axis
  • Axis 2: Practicing Citizenship in a Skeptical World - The practice of democratic citizenship is undergoing a multifaceted transition. There are fundamental changes in conceptions of democratic citizenship and in its practice as well as the targets of citizen action. Scepticism about representative democracy as a system of governance is growing and citizens across established democracies are withdrawing from politics. Their perception about the political world is impacted by transformations in the news media practices and by online content, including social media. Voting and party politics have been the basis of conventional interpretations of citizenship, but there is ample evidence that this conception is much too limited. New forms of communication are providing citizens with novel ways to gather information and to engage in politics.
Does Proportional Representation Foster Closer Congruence Between Citizens and Policy Makers?
Journal: Comparative Political Studies
Volume: 39
Issue: 10
Year: 2006
First page:1243
Last page: 1262
Campaign News and Vote Intentions
Journal: Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties
Volume: 19
Issue: 4
Year: 2009
First page:359
Last page: 376
Stuart Soroka
Lori Young
Blake Andrew
“Voting Strategically in Canada and Britain
Journal: Duverger's Law of Plurality Voting: The Logic of Party Competition in Canada, India, the United Kingdom and the United States
Year: 2009
Eugénie Dostie-Goulet
Strongholds and Battlegrounds: Local Electoral Competition in Canada”,
Year: 2010
Conference: Canadian Political Science Association Conference
“Representation at the Margins: The Impact of Governing Parties on Spending in Canada
Journal: Party Politics
Year: 2011
Endogeneity in Votersʼ Self-Positioning
Year: 2011
Richard Johnston
Conference: American Political Science Association Annual Conference
Policy Convergence and Punctuated Equilibrium: The Case of Canadian Provinces Revisited
Year: 2011
Conference: Canadian Political Science Association Conference
Sacrificial Lambs No More? Women Candidates and Party Competitiveness in Canada
Year: 2011
Melanee Thomas
Conference: Canadian Political Science Association Conference, Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference
Strongholds and Battlegrounds: Measuring Party Support Stability in Canada
Journal: Canadian Journal of Political Science
Volume: 46
Issue: 3
Year: 2012
Fear and Disappointment: Explaining the Persistence of Support for Quebec Secession
Journal: Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties
Volume: 22
Issue: 1
Year: 2012
First page:77
Last page: 93
Emmanuelle Richez
Follow the Money (or perhaps the ubiquitous green signs): Electoral Politics and Canada’s Economic Action Plan
Year: 2012
Andrew Owen
Conference: Canadian Political Science Association Conference
Tracing the Evolution of Interest for Attacks Against Humanitarian Workers in News Media
Year: 2012
Elise Leclerc-Gagné
Adam Mahon
Conference: ISA Conference
L’impact de l’appel au devoir civique sur la participation électorale : Résultats d’une expérience durant la campagne provinciale de 2012
Journal: Étude préparée pour le Directeur général des élections du Québec
Year: 2013
Mélanie Rembert
Sacrificial Lambs, Women Candidates, and District Competitiveness in Canada
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 32
Issue: 1
Year: 2013
Melanee Thomas
General Empirical Laws in Political Science: Different Perspectives from Different Sub_elds
Year: 2013
Jonathan Paquin
Melanee Thomas
Stefanie von Hlatky
Conference: Canadian Political Science Association Conference
L'efficacité de l'échantillonnage passif pour obtenir un portrait représentatif de l'électorat: Le cas de Vote au pluriel – Québec
Journal: Revue canadienne de science politique
Volume: 47
Issue: 4
Year: 2014
First page:697
Last page: 715
Marc André Bodet
François Gélineau
L'efficacité de l'échantillonage passif pour obtenir un portrait représentatif de l'électorat: Le cas de Vote au Pluriel - Québec
Journal: Revue Canadienne de Science Politique
Volume: 47
Issue: 4
Year: 2014
First page:697
Last page: 715
Gouverner à la marge: l'équilibre ponctué dans le contexte des provinces canadiennes
Journal: Les surveillants de l'État
Year: 2014
Alexandre Tourigny
Publisher: Presses de l'Université Laval
Construire un échantillon représentatif: Le cas de Vote au Pluriel - Québec
Journal: Revue Canadienne de Science Politique
Volume: 47
Issue: 4
Year: 2014
First page:697
Last page: 745
Gouverner à la marge: l’équilibre ponctuée dans le context des provinces canadiennes
Journal: Les surveillants de l’État
Year: 2014
Alexandre Tourigny
Canadian Public Opinion about the Military: Assessing the Influences on Attitudes toward Defence Spending and Participation in Overseas Combat Operations
Journal: Canadian Journal of Political Science
Volume: 47
Issue: 3
Year: 2014
First page:503
Last page: 518
Scott Fitzsimmons
Allan Craigie
Come Hell or High Water: An Investigation on the Effects of Natural Disaster on Incumbent Vote Choice
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 43
Year: 2016
First page:85
Last page: 94
Thomas Melanee
Does the Composition of Government Reflect Citizens' Party Preferences?
Journal: Political Science Research and Methods
Year: 2016
Linking Party Preference and the Composition of Government : A New Standard for Evaluating the Performance of Electoral Democracy
Journal: Political Science Research and Methods - First View
Year: 2016
First page:1
Last page: 17
L'efficacité des interventions institutionnelles visant à accroître la représentation politique des populations sousreprésentées dans les pays de l'OCDE: Une revue systématique de la portée des études
Year: 2018
Samuel Veillette, Félix Bélanger
Mathieu Ouimet
Eric Montigny
Steve Jacob
Place: Québec
Publisher: Presses de l'Université Laval
Interpreting National Trajectories with Gellner, Anderson and Smith: The case of Quebec
Journal: Journal of Self-Government
Volume: 29
Issue: 1
Year: 2019
First page:17
Last page: 50
Les élections partielles au Québec: Caractéristiques et tendances
Journal: Politique et Sociétés
Volume: 36
Issue: 3
Year: 2019
First page:115
Last page: 139
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