
Dietlind Stolle
McGill University
Department of Political Science
Address: 855 Sherbrooke West
Tel: 514 398 4400, ext 089513
Ph.D. Princeton University (2000)
Dietlind Stolle is a Professor of Political Science at McGill University. Her research looks at political mobilization, participation and knowledge, as well as social capital, ethnic and racial prejudice, and the consequences of ethnic diversity. She is also a Principal Investigator of the Canadian Election Study. Professor Stolle's projects include quantitative research looking into youth mobilization and participation on Facebook, the role of pregnancy on political behaviour, the impact of religious diversity in 11 different countries, and attitudes towards refugees in Germany. She is also the Director of the Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship.
Research Interests
Research Axis
  • Axis 1: Learning Democratic Citizenship in an Unequal World - Cet axe se concentre sur l’acquisition de valeurs, d’attitudes et de comportements qui contribuent à une citoyenneté démocratique dynamique. La démocratie repose fondamentalement sur le principe de l’égalité politique, mais dans la pratique, le désavantage économique et social se traduit par un accès inégal au pouvoir politique et à la prise de décision (Schlozman et al 2012). L’inégalité a de profondes implications pour l’inclusion, la réactivité et, en fin de compte, la légitimité même de notre système démocratique. L’inégalité croissante détruit les fondements de la démocratie, entraînant une polarisation politique accrue et une désaffection de la politique (Kwon 2015). Plus que jamais, les démocraties efficaces exigent des citoyens engagés, responsables et bien informés. Comprendre les facteurs qui influent sur le développement de ce type de citoyenneté démocratique active est un objectif clé de l’axe 1.
  • Axis 2: Practicing Citizenship in a Skeptical World - The practice of democratic citizenship is undergoing a multifaceted transition. There are fundamental changes in conceptions of democratic citizenship and in its practice as well as the targets of citizen action. Scepticism about representative democracy as a system of governance is growing and citizens across established democracies are withdrawing from politics. Their perception about the political world is impacted by transformations in the news media practices and by online content, including social media. Voting and party politics have been the basis of conventional interpretations of citizenship, but there is ample evidence that this conception is much too limited. New forms of communication are providing citizens with novel ways to gather information and to engage in politics.
  • Axis 3: Representing and Governing Citizens in Critical Times - After learning and practicing democratic citizenship, the next critical steps are representation and governance. Democratic institutions are key elements. They shape the norms and incentives for active citizenship and they link citizens and their representatives in ways that foster accountability, legitimacy and representation. In Québec and Canada, as well as in other countries, confidence of citizens toward the institutions is low, as many dislike the way that members of parliaments behave and consider that politicians don’t honour their promises, hence various political endeavours to reform these institutions. Research on this axis will focus on the role of electoral systems, parliaments, parliamentary debates, and political parties.
How Political Institutions Create and Destroy Social Capital: An Institutional Theory of Generalized Trust
Journal: Comparative Politics
Year: 2002
Conference: American Political Science Association
The Gender Gap Reversed
Journal: Gender and Social Capital
Year: 2005
First page:45
Last page: 72
Youth Organisations within Political Parties. Political Recruitment and the Transformation of Party Systems
Journal: Revisiting Youth Political Participation
Year: 2005
First page:43
Last page: 51
Concept of Political Consumerism
Journal: Youth Activism: An International Encyclopedia
Year: 2005
First page:238
Last page: 250
Kroniek van een aangekondigde oorlog. Een vergelijkend onderzoek naar de verslaggeving in de aanloop naar de oorlog in Irak
Journal: Nieuws op Televisie. Televisiejournaals als Venster op de Wereld. Jaarboek van het Electronische NieuwsArchief 1
Year: 2005
First page:175
Last page: 194
Swedish Political Consumers: Who they are and why they use the Market as an Arena for Politics
Journal: Political Consumerism: Its Motivations, Power, and Conditions in the Nordic Countries and Elsewhere, Proceedings from the 2nd International Seminar on Political Consumerism, Oslo August 26-29, 2005
Year: 2005
First page:145
Last page: 164
Place: Oslo
A Case of Discursive Political Consumerism: The Nike e-mail exchange
Journal: Political Consumerism: Its Motivations, Power, and Conditions in the Nordic Countries and Elsewhere, Proceedings from the 2nd International Seminar on Political Consumerism, Oslo August 26-29, 2005
Year: 2005
First page:255
Last page: 290
Place: Oslo
Why Become a Political Consumer?
Journal: Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen
Volume: 4
Year: 2005
First page:1
Last page: 14
Politics in the Super-Market-- Political Consumerism as a Form of Political Participation
Journal: International Review of Political Science
Volume: 26
Issue: 3
Year: 2005
First page:245
Last page: 269
Inaccurate, Exceptional, One-Sided or Irrelevant? The Debate About the Alleged Decline of Social Capital and Civic Engagement in Western Societies
Journal: British Journal of Political Science
Volume: 35
Issue: 1
Year: 2005
First page:149
Last page: 167
Youth Civic Engagement in Canada: Implications for Public Policy, Social Capital in Action: Thematic Policy Studies. Policy Research Initiative
Year: 2005
Why become a political consumer? (German Language)
Journal: Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen
Volume: 4
Year: 2005
First page:1
Last page: 14
Variaties in samenleven. Het samenleven in etnisch diverse gemeenschappen
Journal: Op zoek naar politiek. Democratie en de verplaatsing van de politiek
Year: 2006
First page:123
Last page: 139
Een verschuiving van de politieke participatie. Politieke participatie en ongelijkheid, 1974-2002
Journal: Op zoek naar politiek. Democratie en de verplaatsing van de politiek
Year: 2006
First page:23
Last page: 41
Boosting Women's Political Resources: The Power of Women's Social Networks. Final Report of Research Findings, Status of Women
Year: 2006
Etnische diversiteit, etnocentrisme en vertrouwen in Europa
Volume: 13
Issue: 6
Year: 2006
Social Capital
Journal: Oxford Handbook of Political Behavior
Year: 2007
First page:655
Last page: 674
Place: New York
Diversity, Multiculturalism and Social Cohesion: Trust and Ethnocentrism in European Societies
Journal: Belonging? Diversity, Recognition and Shared Citizenship in Canada
Year: 2007
First page:387
Last page: 410
Mobilizing Consumers to Take Responsibility for Global Social Justice
Journal: Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Volume: 611
Issue: 1
Year: 2007
First page:157
Last page: 175
Institutionelle Grundlagen des Sozialkapitals
Journal: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
Year: 2007
Social Networks and Immigrant Women's Political Incorporation
Journal: INSNA XXVII International Social Network Conference
Year: 2007
Civic Engagement and Civic Attitudes in Cross-National Perspective: Introduction to the Symposium.
Journal: Political Studies
Volume: 56
Issue: 1
Year: 2008
First page:1
Last page: 11
Marc Howard
“Bridging Differences: Youth Diversity and Civic Values: Five Bilingual Reports for Survey Participants of the McGill Youth Survey (Schools, Pupils, Online Group members, Association members, Proteste
Year: 2008
“Bridging Differences: Youth Diversity and Civic Values: Five Bilingual Reports for Survey Participants of the McGill Youth Survey (Schools, Pupils, Online Group members, Association members, Proteste
Year: 2008
An Institutional Theory of Social Capital
Journal: Social Capital-A Reader
Year: 2008
First page:273
Last page: 302
Fashioning Social Justice through Political Consumerism, Capitalism, and the Internet
Journal: Cultural Studies
Volume: 22
Issue: 5
Year: 2008
First page:749
Last page: 769
When Does Diversity Erode Trust? Neighbourhood Diversity, Interpersonal Trust, and Mediating Effect of Social Interactions
Journal: Political Studies
Volume: 56
Issue: 1
Year: 2008
First page:57
Last page: 75
Ethnic Identity in Multinational States: Ethnic Ties and the Development of Generalized Trust
Year: 2008
Place: Boston
Conference: American Political Science Association
Network Diversity and Political Participation: A Complication or an Asset?
Year: 2008
Ellen Quintelier
Conference: Conférence du Youth and Politics (Bruges) & Conférence de l’European Consortium of Political Research (Pisa)
What Does Politics Mean to You? Young Citizens and Emerging Forms of Political Action
Year: 2008
Ellen Quintelier
Laura Nishikawa
Place: Bruges
Conference: Youth and Politics : Strange Bedfellows?
Reconciling Diversity and Community? Defining Social Cohesion in Developed Democracies
Year: 2008
Place: Brussels
Conference: « Theoretical Perspectives on Social Cohesion and Social Capital International »
Civic engagement and civic attitudes in cross-national perspective. Special symposium in Political Studies
Volume: 56
Year: 2008
Bridging Differences: Youth Diversity and Civic Values: Five Bilingual Reports for Survey Participants of the McGill Youth Survey Schools, Pupils, Online Group members, Association members, Protesters
Year: 2008
Place: Montréal
Publisher: McGill University
The State and Social Capital: An Institutional Theory of Generalized Trust
Journal: Comparative Politics
Volume: 40
Issue: 4
Year: 2008
First page:441
Last page: 467
McGill Youth Study, Wave One: Technical Report and Codebook
Year: 2008
Place: Montréal
Publisher: McGill University
Shifting Inequalities: Patterns of Exclusion and Inclusion in Expanding Forms of Political Participation
Journal: WZB-Arbeitspapier 2009 - 2014
Year: 2009
Marc Hooghe.
Ethnic Diversity and Generalized Trust in Europe: A Cross-National Multilevel Study
Journal: Comparative Political Studies
Volume: 42
Issue: 2
Year: 2009
First page:198
Last page: 223
Do Diverse Networks Demobilize Young People?
Journal: European Journal on Child and Youth Research
Volume: 3
Issue: 7
Year: 2009
First page:86
Last page: 92
The Role of Social Networks in Immigrant Women's Political Incorporation
Journal: International Migration Review
Volume: 43
Issue: 4
Year: 2009
First page:727
Last page: 763
The Political Socialization of Young People in Canada: Is There a Differential Effect of Citizenship Education on Visible Minorities?
Journal: Canadian Journal of Political Science
Volume: 42
Year: 2009
First page:613
Last page: 636
Vegetarianism - A Lifestyle Politics
Journal: Creative Participation
Year: 2009
First page:125
Last page: 145
Place: Boulder
Publisher: Paradigm Publishers
Consumers as Political Actors
Journal: Critical Food Issues: Problems and State-of-the-Art Solutions
Year: 2009
First page:188
Last page: 214
Place: Westport, Connecticut
Publisher: Greenwod Publishing Group
Diversity and Democratic Politics: An Introduction.
Journal: Canadian Journal of Political Science
Volume: 43
Issue: 2
Year: 2010
First page:235
Last page: 256
Diversity and Democratic Politics: An Introduction
Journal: Revue canadienne de science politique
Volume: 43
Issue: 2
Year: 2010
First page:235
Last page: 256
Ethnic-Cultural Diversity, Migrant Integration Policies and Social Cohesion in Europe: Analyzing the Conditional Effect of Ethnic-Cultural Diversity on Generalized Trust.
Journal: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Year: 2010
Diversity and Democratic Politics
Journal: Canadian Political Science Review
Volume: 43
Issue: 2
Year: 2010
First page:235
Last page: 256
Stuart Soroka
Diversity and Democratic Politics
Volume: 43
Issue: 2
Year: 2010
Experiencing Political Diversity: The Mobilizing Effect of Disagreement Among Youth
Journal: Political Psychology
Year: 2010
Why can't a Student be more like an Average Person? Sampling and Attrition Effects in Social Science Field and Laboratory Experiments
Journal: Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Volume: 628
Issue: 1
Year: 2010
First page:85
Last page: 96
What do women really know?
Journal: Perspectives on Politics
Volume: 8
Year: 2010
First page:93
Last page: 109
The Potential of Internet Mobilization. An Experimental Study on the Effect of Internet and Face-to-Face Mobilization Efforts
Journal: Political Communication
Volume: 27
Issue: 4
Year: 2010
Sara Vissers
Politieke mobilisatie en nieuwe communicatietechnologie: een multilevel studie van de digital divide
Year: 2010
Place: Gent
Publisher: Academia Press
Convergence générationnelle ? : Les jeunes & la confiance généralisée au Québec & au Canada
Year: 2011
Place: Montréal
Conference: Association québécoise de science politique
Trusting others - how parents shape the generalized trust of their children
Journal: Comparative Sociology
Volume: 10
Issue: 2
Year: 2011
First page:281
Last page: 314
Reconciling Diversity and Community? Defining Social Cohesion in Democracies
Journal: Theoretical Perspectives on Social Cohesion and Social Capital
Year: 2011
Place: Brussels, Belgium
Publisher: Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts
Capturing Change (and Stability) in the 2011 Campaign
Journal: Policy Options
Year: 2011
First page:70
Last page: 77
World Press Freedom Day: Could you speak out, please?
Journal: The Globe and Mail
Year: 2011
What Stephen Harper, Michael Ignatieff and Jack Harper can learn at the McGill daycare centre
Journal: The Montreal Gazette
Year: 2011
Place: Montreal
Shifting Inequalities
Journal: European Societies
Volume: 13
Issue: 1
Year: 2011
First page:1
Last page: 24
Social Capital and Ethno-Racial Diversity: Learning to Trust in an Immigrant Society
Journal: Political Studies
Year: 2012
Politics in Peer Groups: Exploring the Causaul Relationship Between Network Diversity and Political Participation
Journal: Political Research Quarterly
Year: 2012
The Impact of Mobilization Tools on Offline Life and Online Participation: Are mobilization effects medium specific?
Journal: Social Science Computer Review
Volume: 30
Issue: 2
Year: 2012
Religious Symbols, Multiculturalism and Policy Attitudes
Year: 2012
Stuart Soroka
Jessica Behnke
Place: Edmonton
Conference: Association canadienne de science politique
La non-participation des jeunes: les barrières de l'engagement et l'impact sur la participation future
Journal: Canadian Journal of Political Science
Volume: 45
Issue: 2
Year: 2012
First page:405
Last page: 425
What Do Women Know About Government Services and Benefits?
Journal: Canadian Public Policy
Volume: 38
Issue: 1
Year: 2012
First page:31
Last page: 54
Do Not Trust Strangers: How Parents Shape the Generalized Trust of Their Children
Journal: Trust: Comparative Persperctives
Year: 2012
First page:133
Last page: 171
Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers
Sustainable Citizenship and the New Politics of Consumption
Journal: The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Volume: 644
Issue: 1
Year: 2012
First page:80
Last page: 120
Habits of Sustainable Citizenship: The Example of Political Consumerism
Journal: The Habits of Consumption
Volume: 12
Year: 2012
First page:142
Last page: 164
Why fear them? Students are just tuning in to democracy
Journal: The Montreal Gazette
Year: 2012
Place: Montreal
Riding the Orange Wave: Leadership, Values, Issues, and the 2011 Canadian Election
Journal: Canadian Journal of Political Science
Volume: 46
Issue: 4
Year: 2013
First page:863
Last page: 897
Fred Cutler
Stuart Soroka
The Internet and new modes of political participation: Online versus offline participation?
Journal: Information, Communication and Society
Volume: 17
Issue: 8
Year: 2013
Political Mobilization, Cultural Diversity and Social Cohesion
Journal: Political Studies
Year: 2013
Tim Reeskens
Marc Helbling
Immigration-related Diversity and Trust in German Cities: The Role of Intergroup Contact
Journal: Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties,
Volume: 28
Year: 2013
First page:279
Last page: 298
Sören Peterman
Katharina Schmid
Karen Schönwälder
Miles Hewstone
Le « printemps érable » et l’élection québécoise de 2012.
Journal: Les Québécois aux urnes: les partis, les médias et les citoyens en campagne,
Year: 2013
Eva Falk-Pedersen
Pascale Dufour
Maple Spring Up Close: The Role of Self-Interest and Socio-Economic Resources for Youth Protest
Year: 2013
Eva Falk Pedersen
Pascale Dufour
Conference: Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting
Gender and electoral communication: How differences in non-verbal and verbal behavior lead to different evaluations of male and female politicians
Year: 2013
Delia Dumitrescu
Conference: Annual American Political Science Meeting
Political Consumerism - Global Responsibility in Action
Year: 2013
Place: Cambridge
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Le « printemps érables » & l’élection québécoise de 2012
Year: 2013
Eva Falk Pedersen
Pascale Dufour
Place: Québec
Conference: Colloque « Élection québécoises 2012 »
Contextual effects of intergroup contact on prejudice against Outgroups
Journal: PNAS
Volume: 111
Issue: 11
Year: 2014
First page:3996
Last page: 4000
Oliver Christ
Katharina Schmid
Miles Hewstone
Steven Vertovec
Spill-over effects between Facebook and on/offline political participation? Evidence from a two-wave panel study
Journal: R&R Journal of Information Technology and Politics
Volume: 11
Issue: 3
Year: 2014
Sustainable Citizenship: The Role of Citizens and Consumers as Agents of the Environmental State
Journal: State and Environment The Comparative Study of Environmental Governance
Year: 2014
Michele Micheletti
Katarina Eckerberg
Consumer Strategies in Social Movements
Journal: The Oxford Handbook of Social Movements
Year: 2014
Michele Micheletti
Sustainable Citizenship: The Role of Citizens and Consumers in Protecting the Common Good
Journal: State and Environment: The Comparative Study of Environmental Governance
Year: 2014
Daniel Berlin
Michele Micheletti
Publisher: MIT Press
Candidate Confidence and Electoral Appeal: An Experimental Study of the Effect of Nonverbal Confidence on Voter Evaluations
Journal: Political Science Research
Volume: 3
Issue: 1
Year: 2015
First page:43
Last page: 52
Delia Dumitrescu
Diversity and Social Cohesion
Journal: Routledge International Handbook of Diversity Studies
Year: 2015
Publisher: Routledge
Political Mobilisation, Ethnic Diversity and Social Cohesion: The Conditional Effect of Political Parties
Journal: Political Studies
Volume: 63
Issue: 1
Year: 2015
First page:101
Last page: 122
Marc Helbling
Tim Reeskens
The Consequences of Ethnic Diversity : Advancing the Debate.
Journal: Social Cohesion and Immigration in Europe and North America: Mechanisms, Conditions and Causality.
Year: 2015
Publisher: Routledge
Lateral Orbitofrontal Cortex Links Social Impressions to Political Choices
Journal: Journal of Neuroscience
Volume: 35
Issue: 22
Year: 2015
First page:8507
Last page: 8514
Chenjie Xia
Lesley Fellows
The Decision to Vote or Abstain in the 2014 European Election
Journal: Revue Européenne des sciences sociales
Volume: 53
Issue: 1
Year: 2015
First page:340
Does out-group size in neighborhoods drive down associational life of Whites in the U.S.? Testing constrict, conflict and contact theories
Journal: Social Science Research
Volume: 52
Year: 2015
First page:236
Last page: 252
Michael Savelkoula
Miles Hewstoneb
Peer Scheepersa
Religious Symbols, Multiculturalism and Policy Attitudes
Journal: Canadian Journal of Political Science
Volume: 49
Issue: 2
Year: 2016
First page:335
Last page: 358
Stuart Soroka
Jessica Behnke
Do Political and Economic Choices Rely on Common Neural Substrates? A Systematic Review of the Emerging Neuropolitics Literature
Journal: Frontiers in Psychology (Decision Neuroscience)
Volume: 7
Issue: 264
Year: 2016
Sekoul Krastev
Joseph T. McGuire
Denver McNeney
Joseph W. Kable
Enabling Immigrant Participation: Do Integration Regimes Make a Difference
Journal: Just Ordinary Citizens
Year: 2016
Marc Helbling
Tim Reeskens
Cameron Stark
Matthew Wright
Editors: A Bilodeau
Diversity and the Acceptance of Religious Symbols in Public Life
Year: 2016
Valerie-Anne Maheo
Conference: American Political Science Association Annual Meeting
The Niqab Debate &  the 2015 Election Canadian
Year: 2016
Conference: Political Science Association Annual Meeting
Acceptance of the Muslim Veil among Canadian Youth
Year: 2016
Chris Liu
Conference: Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting
Otherness and Electoral Fortunes: The Niqab Debate in the 2015 Election
Year: 2016
Conference: Congrès national Metropolis
Social Capital, Civic Culture and Political Trust
Journal: Handbook on Political Trust
Year: 2017
Christopher Liu
Place: London
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
Toying Around with the Future: Sustainability within Families
Journal: Mothers and Others: The Role of Parenthood in Politics
Year: 2017
First page:288
Last page: 310
Michele Micheletti
Place: Vancouver
Publisher: University of British Columbia Press
Social and Political Trust
Journal: The Oxford Handbook of Social and Political Trust
Year: 2017
Kenneth Newton
Sonja Zmerli
Place: Oxford
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Experiencing Political Diversity: The Mobilizing Effect Among Youth
Journal: Acta Politica
Year: 2018
Ellen Quintelier
Undemocratic Political Consumerism
Journal: Handbook of Political Consumerism
Year: 2018
Lucas Huissoud
Place: Oxford
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Experiencing Political Diversity: The Mobilizing Effect Among Youth
Journal: Acta Politica
Volume: 54
Issue: 4
Year: 2019
First page:684
Last page: 712
Gender and Candidate Communication: Is There a “Double Bind"
Journal: The Mediation of Gendered Identities in Canadian Politics
Year: 2019
Place: Vancouver
Publisher: University of British Columbia Press
Can You Deliver a Baby and Vote? The Effect of the First Stages of Parenthood on Voter Turnout
Journal: Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties
Volume: 29
Issue: 1
Year: 2019
Yosef Bhatti
Hanna Wass
Elin Naurin
Kasper M. Hansen
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