
Thomas Soehl
McGill University
Department of Sociology
Address: Stephen Leacock Building, Room 713 855 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal, Quebec, H3A 2T7
Tel: 514-398-6841
PhD University of California
Thomas Soehl is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at McGill University. His work mainly examines the themes of international migration, race, and ethnicity. More specifically, he studies these themes through the lens of the family as a locus for the transmission of culture and political attachments. Recently, he has looked at the acquisition of citizenship in Canada and France, as well as at the determinants of anti-immigration attitudes. Professor Soehl's research makes use of quantitative research methods such as using event history analysis and multi-level modeling.
Research Interests
Research Axis
  • Axis 1: Learning Democratic Citizenship in an Unequal World - Cet axe se concentre sur l’acquisition de valeurs, d’attitudes et de comportements qui contribuent à une citoyenneté démocratique dynamique. La démocratie repose fondamentalement sur le principe de l’égalité politique, mais dans la pratique, le désavantage économique et social se traduit par un accès inégal au pouvoir politique et à la prise de décision (Schlozman et al 2012). L’inégalité a de profondes implications pour l’inclusion, la réactivité et, en fin de compte, la légitimité même de notre système démocratique. L’inégalité croissante détruit les fondements de la démocratie, entraînant une polarisation politique accrue et une désaffection de la politique (Kwon 2015). Plus que jamais, les démocraties efficaces exigent des citoyens engagés, responsables et bien informés. Comprendre les facteurs qui influent sur le développement de ce type de citoyenneté démocratique active est un objectif clé de l’axe 1.
Making the connection: Latino immigrants and their cross-border ties
Journal: Ethnic and Racial Studies
Volume: 33
Issue: 9
Year: 2010
First page:1489
Last page: 1510
Roger Waldinger
Timing of union formation and partner choice in immigrant societies: The United States and Germany
Journal: Advances in Life Course Research
Volume: 16
Issue: 4
Year: 2011
First page:205
Last page: 2016
Jenjira Yahirun
Inheriting the homeland? Intergenerational transmission of cross border ties in migrant families
Journal: American Journal of Sociology
Volume: 118
Issue: 3
Year: 2012
First page:778
Last page: 813
Roger Waldinger
Immigrants' daughters and the labor market
Journal: The Changing Face of World Cities: The second generation in Europe and the United States
Year: 2012
Rosita Fibbi
Constanza Larrucea
Place: New York
Publisher: RussellSage
The political sociology of international migration: Borders, boundaries, rights and politics
Journal: The International Handbook of Migration Studies
Year: 2012
Roger Waldinger
Place: New York
Publisher: Routledge
Emigrants and the body politic left behind: Results from the Latino National Survey
Journal: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Volume: 38
Issue: 5
Year: 2012
First page:711
Last page: 736
Roger Waldinger
Nelson Lim
The bounded policy: The limits to Mexican emigrant political participation
Journal: Social Forces
Volume: 120
Year: 2013
First page:1239
Last page: 1266
Roger Waldinger
The ambiguities of political opportunity: Political claims making of Russian-Jewish immigrants in New York City
Journal: Ethnic and Racial Studies
Volume: 36
Issue: 12
Year: 2013
First page:1977
Last page: 1996
Roger Waldinger
Who assimilates? Statistical Artefacts and Intergenerational mobility in immigrant families
Journal: Colchester, Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER)
Year: 2014
Renee Reichl Luthra
From Parent to Child? Transmission of Educational Attainment Within Immigrant Families: Methodological Considerations
Journal: Demography
Volume: 52
Issue: 2
Year: 2015
First page:543
Last page: 567
Renee Reichl Luthra
Social reproduction of religiosity in the immigrant context: the role of family transmission and family formation
Journal: International Migration Review
Year: 2016
From Origins to destinations: Acculturation Trajectories in Migrants' Attitudes towards Homosexuality
Journal: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Year: 2016
First page:1
Last page: 23
But do they speak it? Intergenerational Transmission of Home-Country Language in Migrant Families in France
Journal: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Volume: 42
Issue: 9
Year: 2016
First page:1513
Last page: 1535
Origins and Destinations: The Making of the Second Generation
Year: 2018
Renee Reichl Luthra
Roger Waldinger
Place: New-York
Publisher: Russell Sage
Social politics: The importance of the family for naturalization decisions of the 1.5 generation
Journal: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Year: 2018
Roger Waldinger
Renee Luthra
Mode of Difference and Resource for Resilience: How Religion Shapes Experiences of Discrimination of the Second Generation in France
Journal: International Migration Review
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Year: 2019
First page:1
Last page: 24
Social politics: The importance of the family for naturalization decisions of the 1.5 generation
Journal: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Volume: 46
Issue: 7
Year: 2020
First page:1240
Last page: 1260
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