
Patrick Fournier
Université de Montreal
Department of Political Science
Adresse: Pav. PAV.M.CARON-L.GROULX-3200 J.B. \ bur. C4044
Tel: 514-343-6111 #54437
Patrick Fournier est professeur au Département de science politique de l'Université de Montréal. Ses recherches portent principalement sur la psychologie politique, notamment les comportements politiques, la compétence des citoyens, et le changement d’opinion. Il est chercheur principal de l'Étude électorale canadienne 2011 et 2015, et chercheur principal d'un projet de recherche sur les réactions face à la négativité.
Mots Clés
Axes de recherche
  • Axe 2 : Pratiquer la citoyenneté dans un monde de scepticisme - The practice of democratic citizenship is undergoing a multifaceted transition. There are fundamental changes in conceptions of democratic citizenship and in its practice as well as the targets of citizen action. Scepticism about representative democracy as a system of governance is growing and citizens across established democracies are withdrawing from politics. Their perception about the political world is impacted by transformations in the news media practices and by online content, including social media. Voting and party politics have been the basis of conventional interpretations of citizenship, but there is ample evidence that this conception is much too limited. New forms of communication are providing citizens with novel ways to gather information and to engage in politics.
  • Axe 3 : Représenter et gouverner les citoyens dans des temps critiques - After learning and practicing democratic citizenship, the next critical steps are representation and governance. Democratic institutions are key elements. They shape the norms and incentives for active citizenship and they link citizens and their representatives in ways that foster accountability, legitimacy and representation. In Québec and Canada, as well as in other countries, confidence of citizens toward the institutions is low, as many dislike the way that members of parliaments behave and consider that politicians don’t honour their promises, hence various political endeavours to reform these institutions. Research on this axis will focus on the role of electoral systems, parliaments, parliamentary debates, and political parties.
Missing the Message: Young Adults and the Election Issues / La sourde oreille: Les jeunes adultes et les enjeux électoraux
Journal: Electoral Insight / Perspectives Électorales
Volume: 7
Numéro: 1
Année: 2005
Première page:6
Dernière page: 11
Ambivalence and Attitude Change in Vote Choice: Do Campaign Switchers Experience Internal Conflict?
Journal: Ambivalence, Politics, and Public Policy
Année: 2005
Première page:27
Dernière page: 46
Place: New York
Making Up for Lost Time: Immigrant Voter Turnout in Canada / Rattraper le temps perdu: Le taux de vote des immigrants au Canada
Volume: 8
Numéro: 2
Année: 2006
Première page:10
Dernière page: 16
The Impact of Campaigns on Discrepancies, Errors, and Biases in Voting Behavior
Journal: Capturing Campaign Effects
Année: 2006
Première page:45
Dernière page: 77
Place: Ann Arbor
Back to the Future? Making Sense of the 2004 Canadian Election outside Quebec
Journal: Revue canadienne de science politique/Canadian Journal of Political Science
Volume: 39
Année: 2006
Première page:1
Dernière page: 25
Women to the Left, Men to the Right
Journal: The Globe and Mail
Année: 2006
Corruption Was the Tipping Point
Journal: The Globe and Mail
Année: 2006
Harper Can Thank Federalist Voters
Journal: The Globe and Mail
Année: 2006
Gender and Vote Choice in the 2006 Canadian Election
Journal: Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association
Année: 2006
How Voters Perceive and Evaluate the Prime Minister's Role in a Scandal: A Panel Study
Journal: The Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association
Année: 2006
Does Low Turnout Matter? Evidence From the 2000 Canadian Election
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 26
Numéro: 3
Année: 2007
Première page:589
Dernière page: 597
Foreign Policy: Harper's Soft Underbelly: Insights from the Canadian Election Study
Journal: Inroads
Volume: 20
Année: 2007
Première page:117
Dernière page: 21
The Determinants of Youth Political Participation: Conventional versus Non-Conventional
Journal: The 4th ECPR Genera Conference
Année: 2007
Do Views about Minority Government Matter?
Journal: Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association
Année: 2007
Do Citizen Assemblies Make Reasoned Choices?
Journal: Designing Deliberative Democracy: The British Columbia Citizens' Assembly and Democratic Renewal
Année: 2008
Deliberation, Information and Trust: The BC Citizens' Assembly as Agenda Setter
Journal: Designing Deliberative Democracy: The British Columbia Citizens' Assembly and Democratic Renewal
Année: 2008
When Citizens Choose to Reform SMP: the British Columbia Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform
Journal: To Keep or to Change First Past the Post: The Politics of Electoral Reform
Année: 2008
Première page:140
Dernière page: 162
Les citoyens peuvent-ils formuler des politiques
Journal: La politique en questions
Année: 2008
Première page:176
Dernière page: 184
Place: Montréal
Measuring expectations: Comparing alternative approaches
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 27
Numéro: 2
Année: 2008
Première page:337
Dernière page: 343
Neil Nevitte
Bruce M. Hicks
The Political Resocialization of Immigrants: Resistance or Lifelong Learning?
Journal: Political Research Quarterly
Volume: 61
Numéro: 2
Année: 2008
Première page:268
Dernière page: 281
Neil Nevitte
Deliberation et changement d'opinion lors d'un sondage
Journal: Methodes de sondage
Année: 2008
Première page:147
Dernière page: 152
Patterns of Party Identification in Canada
Journal: Election
Année: 2009
Première page:147
Dernière page: 152
Publicateur: Emond Montgomery
Information, visibility and elections: Why electoral outcomes differ when voters are better informed
Journal: European Journal of Political Research
Volume: 48
Numéro: 2
Année: 2009
Première page:256
Dernière page: 280
Eugénie Dostie-Goulet
Neil Nevitte
Political Judgments, Perceptions of Facts, and Partisan Effects
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 29
Numéro: 1
Année: 2010
Première page:1
Dernière page: 12
Deliberation from within: Changing one's mind during an interview
Journal: Political Psychology
Volume: 32
Numéro: 5
Année: 2011
Première page:885
Dernière page: 919
Mathieu Turgeon
Joanna Everitt
Neil Nevitte
The Sources of Attitudes on the Canadian Healthcare System
Journal: Rapport de recherche pour le Canadian Health Services Research Foundation
Année: 2011
When Citizens Decide: Lessons from Citizen Assemblies on Electoral Reform
Année: 2011
Place: Oxford
Publicateur: Oxford University Press
Capturing Change (and Stability) in the 2011 Campaign
Journal: Policy Options
Année: 2011
Première page:70
Dernière page: 77
World Press Freedom Day: Could you speak out, please?
Journal: The Globe and Mail
Année: 2011
Aboriginal Electoral Participation in Canada
Journal: Rapport de recherche pour Elections Canada
Année: 2012
Dominance and Decline: Making Sense of Recent Canadian Elections
Année: 2012
Place: Toronto
Publicateur: University of Toronto Press
L’abstention sélective, ou pourquoi les jeunes qui votent au federal boudent les elections municipales
Journal: Canadian Journal of Political Science
Volume: 45
Numéro: 4
Année: 2012
Première page:909
Dernière page: 927
Eugénie Dostie-Goulet
Riding the Orange Wave: Leadership, Values, Issues, and the 2011 Canadian Election
Journal: Canadian Journal of Political Science
Volume: 46
Numéro: 4
Année: 2013
Première page:863
Dernière page: 897
Fred Cutler
Stuart Soroka
Boussole électorale vs études électorales : éclairages semblable
Année: 2013
Conférence: ongrès du réseau des associations francophones de science politique, Luxembourg, World Social Science Forum, Montréal,
The Canadian Party System: Trends in Election Campaign Reporting, 1980-2008
Journal: Parties, Elections, and the Future of Canadian Politics
Volume: 161
Numéro: 184
Année: 2013
Place: Vancouver
Publicateur: UBC Press
Explaining the Modern Gender Gap
Journal: Mind the Gap: Canadian Perspectives on Gender and Politics
Année: 2013
Première page:48
Dernière page: 63
Joanna Everitt
Neil Nevitte
Publicateur: Fernwood
Unis par la langue? Les opinions et les valeurs des Franco-Québécois et des Franco-Ontariens
Journal: Journal of Canadian Studies
Volume: 48
Numéro: 2
Année: 2014
Mike Medeiros
An Experimental Analysis of the Impact of Campaign Polls on Electoral Information Seeking
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 40
Année: 2015
Première page:146
Dernière page: 157
Andrew Blake
Shane Singh
Jason Roy
Les Systèmes d'Aide au Vote peuvent-ils être utiles pour l'étude des élections?
Journal: Revue internationale de la politique comparée
Volume: 22
Année: 2015
Première page:182
The Impact of News Photos on Support for Military Action
Journal: Political Communication
Volume: 33
Numéro: 4
Année: 2016
Stuart Soroka
Peter Loewen
Daniel Rubenson
Do Women and Men Respond Differently to Negative Views
Journal: Politics & Gender
Volume: 12
Numéro: 2
Année: 2016
Première page:344
Dernière page: 368
Stuart Soroka
Lilach Nir
Systèmes électoraux, qualité de la démocratie: qu'apporte la science économique à la science politique ?
Journal: Regards croisés sur l'économie
Volume: 18
Année: 2016
Première page:154
Dernière page: 164
Jean-François Laslier
Polls, Partisanship and Voter Decision Making: An Experimental Analysis
Journal: Voting Experiments
Année: 2016
Shane Singh
Jason Roy
Publicateur: Springer
Psychophysiology in the Study of Political Communication: An Expository Study of Individual-Level Variation in Negativity Biases
Journal: Political Communication
Volume: 35
Année: 2018
Première page:1
Dernière page: 15
Stuart Soroka
Lilach Nir
John Hibbing
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