
Mebs Kanji
Concordia University
Department of Political Science
Adresse: Office S-H 1255-3 Henry F. Hall Building, 1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W.
Tel: (514) 848-2424 ext. 5066
Mebs Kanji est professeur agrégé au Département de science politique de l'Université Concordia. Expert des politiques canadiennes, il s'intéresse aux questions de diversité des valeurs et de cohésion sociale. Ses récentes publications portent sur le soutien accordé aux politiciens et les valeurs démocratiques au Québec. M. Kanji participe également à une recherche sur la religion et les États.
Axes de recherche
  • Axe 2 : Pratiquer la citoyenneté dans un monde de scepticisme - The practice of democratic citizenship is undergoing a multifaceted transition. There are fundamental changes in conceptions of democratic citizenship and in its practice as well as the targets of citizen action. Scepticism about representative democracy as a system of governance is growing and citizens across established democracies are withdrawing from politics. Their perception about the political world is impacted by transformations in the news media practices and by online content, including social media. Voting and party politics have been the basis of conventional interpretations of citizenship, but there is ample evidence that this conception is much too limited. New forms of communication are providing citizens with novel ways to gather information and to engage in politics.
  • Axe 3 : Représenter et gouverner les citoyens dans des temps critiques - After learning and practicing democratic citizenship, the next critical steps are representation and governance. Democratic institutions are key elements. They shape the norms and incentives for active citizenship and they link citizens and their representatives in ways that foster accountability, legitimacy and representation. In Québec and Canada, as well as in other countries, confidence of citizens toward the institutions is low, as many dislike the way that members of parliaments behave and consider that politicians don’t honour their promises, hence various political endeavours to reform these institutions. Research on this axis will focus on the role of electoral systems, parliaments, parliamentary debates, and political parties.
Priming Public Opinion Research: A Sustained and Systematic Approach (2nd Edition)
Année: 2006
Place: ITP Nelson
Value Diversity and Support for Electoral Reform in Canada
Journal: PS: Political Science and Politics
Volume: 39
Numéro: 4
Année: 2006
Première page:829
Dernière page: 836
Rationale and the Implementation of the SLICK Project: Screening for Limb, I-Eye, Cardiovascular and Kidney (SLICK) Complications in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes in Alberta's First Nations Communi
Journal: Canadian Journal of Public Health
Volume: 97
Numéro: 3
Année: 2006
Première page:241
Dernière page: 47
Political Awareness among New Citizens in Anglo-Democracies
Journal: Electoral Insight / Perspectives Électorales
Volume: 8
Numéro: 2
Année: 2006
Première page:43
Dernière page: 49
Public Perceptions of Health Care in Alberta: Health Care Sustainability and the Role of Public Health
Journal: Report prepared for Alberta Health and Wellness.
Année: 2006
Cleavages, Value Gaps and Regime Support: Evidence from Canada and 26 Other Societies
Journal: Changing Values, Persisting Cultures: Comparative Findings from the World Values Surveys
Année: 2008
Première page:45
Dernière page: 73
Economic Development, Value Diversity, and Specific Political Support,
Année: 2008
Nicki Doyle
Conférence: 8th International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations. Montreal.
Economic Development, Value Diversity and Specific Political Support
Année: 2008
Nicki Doyle
Conférence: Southern Political Science Association Annual Conference, New Orleans
The Generational Divide, Social Capital, and Political Support: Evidence from the World Values Surveys
Journal: Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice
Volume: 10
Numéro: 2
Année: 2008
Première page:47
Dernière page: 74
Probing the Links between Security and Secularization
Journal: After Modernity? Secularity, Globalization and the re-enchantment of the World
Année: 2008
Première page:67
Dernière page: 97
Ronald Kuipers
Place: Texas
Publicateur: Baylor University Press
Cleavages, Value Gaps and Regime Support: Evidence from Canada and 26 Other Societies.
Journal: Changing Values, Persisting Cultures: Case Studies in Value Change
Année: 2008
Première page:45
Dernière page: 73
Neil Nevitte
Place: Netherlands
Publicateur: Koninklijke Brill NV
Faith, Security and Secularization
Journal: Faith in Democracy? Religion and Politics in Canada
Année: 2009
Publicateur: Cambridge
Alberta Bill 44 of 2009: All the Commotion May Just be the Start of What is Yet to Come
Journal: Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law
Volume: 3
Numéro: 2
Année: 2009
Première page:383
Dernière page: 389
Value Diversity and Support for Political Authorities in Canada
Journal: The American Review of Canadian Studies
Volume: 39
Numéro: 3
Année: 2009
Première page:191
Dernière page: 223
Happiness in Toronto, Canada: Evidence from the 2008 Quality of Life Survey
Journal: Global Metropolitan Forum of Seoul
Année: 2009
A Complicated Story: Exploring the Contours of Secularization and Persisting Religiosity in Advanced Industrial Democracies like Canada
Journal: Religion and Politics in Canada
Année: 2009
Première page:13
Dernière page: 35
Ronald Kuipers
Place: United Kingdom
Publicateur: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Adaptation to Democracy among Immigrants in Australia
Journal: International Political Science Review
Volume: 31
Numéro: 2
Année: 2010
Première page:141
Dernière page: 165
The New Immigrant Voter 1965-2004: The Emergence of a New Liberal Partisan?
Journal: Voting Behaviour in Canada
Année: 2010
Première page:65
Dernière page: 85
Place: Vancouver
Publicateur: UBC Press
Nouvelle recherche sur la probité intellectuelle - Peut-on éradiquer la tricherie chez les étudiants?
Journal: Le Devoir
Année: 2011
Elites and Political Parties vs. Citizens: EU Identity contra Value Differences
Année: 2011
Axel Huelsemeyer
Conférence: ECPR, Iceland
Digging for Systematic Patterns in Code Data
Année: 2011
Catherine Bolton
Soheyla Salari
Conférence: ICAI conference, Toronto
The Immigrant and Generational Divides in Canada
Journal: paper presented for the Centre Métropolis du Québec - Immigration et métropoles
Année: 2011
Digging for Systematic Patterns in Code Data
Journal: Report prepared for the Dean of Arts and Science, Concordia University
Année: 2011
Test Bank for Explorations: Conducting Empirical Research in Canadian Political Science
Journal: Prepared for Oxford University Press
Année: 2011
Economic Development, Value Diversity and Political Support
Journal: International Journal of Economics and Business Modeling
Volume: 2
Numéro: 2
Année: 2011
Première page:92
Dernière page: 107
The Future of the Canadian Election Studies
Journal: The Canadian Election Studies: Assessing Four Decades of Influence
Année: 2012
Première page:209
Dernière page: 214
Thomas Scotto
Place: Vancouver
Publicateur: UBC Press
Appendix: Four Decades of Publications Based on the Canadian Election Studies
Journal: The Canadian Election Studies: Assessing Four Decades of Influence
Année: 2012
Première page:215
Dernière page: 250
Place: Vancouver
Publicateur: UBC Press
Immigration, generation or what?
Journal: International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology
Volume: 4
Numéro: 3
Année: 2012
Première page:74
Dernière page: 99
Can Student Cheating be Weeded Out?
Journal: University Affairs
Année: 2012
Cheating in Political Science: What can we learn from academic misconduct cases at Concordia University
Année: 2012
Soheyla Salari
Catherine Bolton
Conférence: CPSA, Edmonton
Tackling academic misconduct in university will not be easy
Journal: NOW
Année: 2012
Introduction: Four Decades of Canadian Election Studies
Journal: The Canadian Election Studies: Assessing Four Decades of Influence
Année: 2012
Première page:1
Dernière page: 15
Thomas Scotto
Place: Vancouver
Publicateur: UBC Press
Advancements in Methodology: A Recurring Process
Journal: The Canadian Election Studies: Assessing Four Decades of Influence
Année: 2012
Première page:69
Dernière page: 87
Thomas Scotto
Place: Vancouver
Publicateur: UBC Press
The Canadian Election Studies, Assessing Four Decades of Influence
Année: 2012
Place: Vancouver
Publicateur: UBC Press
Outlooks Toward Government Institutions in Quebec
Journal: Open Journal of Political Science
Volume: 3
Numéro: 4
Année: 2013
What are the Current Preoccupations of Economic Voting Research?
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 32
Numéro: 3
Année: 2013
Le malaise des Québécois: la confiance envers les institutions gouvernementales au Québec,
Journal: Les Québécois aux urnes: Les partis, les médias et les citoyens en campagne
Année: 2013
Place: Montréal
Support for Political Regime in Quebec
Année: 2013
Conférence: APPSA, Charlottetown
Support for Political Authorities in Quebec
Année: 2013
Conférence: PPSA , Banff
Political Efficacy and Young People in Canada, 1965-2011
Année: 2013
Vincent Hopkins
Conférence: CPSA, Victoria
Support for Political Community in Quebec
Année: 2013
Conférence: CPSA, Victoria
Les attitudes envers les institutions gouvernementales au Québec
Année: 2013
Conférence: Colloque sur l’élection Québécoise 2012,
What can we learn about cheaters from past academic misconduct files?
Année: 2013
Catherine Bolton
Soheyla Salari
Conférence: ICAI Conference, Texas
Outlooks toward government institutions in Quebec
Journal: L'élection québécoise de 2012
Année: 2013
Place: Montreal
Publicateur: Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal
Why are young people disengaging from conventional politics?
Journal: Understanding 2011: The Manitoba Election
Année: 2013
Place: Regina
Publicateur: Canadian Plains Research Centre Press
Digging for Systematic Patterns in Code Data - Phase II
Journal: Report prepared for the Dean of Arts and Science and the Provost's Office, Concordia University
Année: 2013
Support for Political Leaders and Elected Representatives in Quebec
Journal: Journal of Political Science and Public Affairs
Volume: 2
Numéro: 116
Année: 2014
Outlooks toward Democracy in Quebec
Journal: Open Journal of Political Science
Volume: 4
Numéro: 4
Année: 2014
System Responsiveness and Political Support
Journal: Battlegrounds: Electors, Elections, and Electioneering in the Canadian Provinces
Année: 2014
Vincent Hopking]s
Place: Vancouver
Publicateur: UBC Press
Support for political community in Quebec
Journal: Battlegrounds: Elections, Electors and Electioneering in Canadian Provinces
Année: 2014
Cheating in University: Some evidence from past academic misconduct files
Journal: Global Journal of Juridical Sciences
Année: 2014
Catherine Bolton
Soheyla Salari
Québec : Je me souviens
Journal: Ten Worlds
Année: 2015
Publicateur: UBC Press
Éditeurs: J. Wesley
Journal: Big Worlds: Politics and Elections in the Canadian Provinces
Année: 2015
Publicateur: University of Toronto Press
Éditeurs: J. Wesley
Support for Political Community in Quebec: Some Evidence from Quebec and Canada
Journal: Canadian Political Science Review
Volume: 9
Numéro: 1
Année: 2015
Exploring the State of Democracy
Année: 2019
Place: McGill-Quee
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