Publications in Conference Proceedings

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Year Title Volume issue URL
2021 LexiQc : un lexique du français parlé au Québec basé sur les sous-titres Link
2019 Trusted Smart Contracts, Proceedings of Financial Cryptography and Data Security: FC Workshops - Deploying PayWord on Ethereum
2019 Proceedings of Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC) - One-time programs made practical
2019 Trusted Smart Contracts, Proceedings of Financial Cryptography and Data Security: FC Workshops - Transparent Dishonesty: front-running attacks on Blockchain
2016 Acceptance of the Muslim Veil among Canadian Youth Link
2016 Diversity and the Acceptance of Religious Symbols in Public Life Link
2016 Gendered News Coverage of Canadian Premiers, 2010-2015. Link
2016 Les partis promettent-ils des politiques qui correspondent à leur idéologie
2016 Otherness and Electoral Fortunes: The Niqab Debate in the 2015 Election
2016 The Niqab Debate &  the 2015 Election Canadian
2016 The Social and Civic Sources of Voting and Participation
2016 Why are voters misinformed about the fulfillment of election pledges?
2015 An Analysis of Exercising Behavior in Online Populations Link
2015 ICWSM Workshop on Standards and Practices in Large-Scale Social Media Research - Everyone's Invited: A New Paradigm for Evaluation on Non-transferable Datasets Link
2015 Geolocation Prediction in Twitter Using Social Networks: A Critical Analysis and Review of Current Practice Link
2015 Goodreads vs. Amazon: The Effect of Decoupling Book Reviewing and Book Selling Link
2015 Organizations are Users Too: Characterizing and Detecting the Presence of Organizations on Twitter Link
2015 Tackling the challenges of situational awareness extraction in Twitter with an adaptive approach
2014 "Investigating the Renaissance of the French Far Left in the 2012 Presidential Election
2014 Does the Composition of Government Better Reflect the Party Preferences of Citizens who are Better Off, More Educated, and More Informed?
2014 Effects of Disaster Characteristics on Twitter event signatures Link
2014 How Does the Economcy Affect Incumbent Approval in Highly Volatile Contexts? Evidence from Latin America
2014 Is Political Interest Absolute or Relative? Link
2014 L'effet négatif des élections européennes sur le soutien à l'Europe
2014 Les méthodes mixtes en sciences sociales : Des principes à la pratique
2014 Novel Situational Information in Mass Emergencies: What does Twitter Provide? Link
2014 Party Behaviour in Quebec: Ownership, Contagion, and Multi-dimensionality of the National Question
2014 Reachability-based Robustness of Network Controllability under Node and Edge Attacks
2014 Rôle de l’empathie virtuelle dans le processus de réception de messages de prévention en sécurité routière.
2014 Take One For The Team? A Study Of The Individual Bases For European Solidarity In Times Of Crisis. Link
2014 Taking the market to grain: infrastructure and political subjectivity in the Canadian prairies.
2014 The Sources of Support for Immigration and Immigrants
2014 Twitter Users #CodeSwitch Hashtags! #MoltoImportante #wow Link
2014 We, the pipeline: oil, infrastructure and national identity in Canada
2013 Boussole électorale et configuration d’un système partisan : le cas du Québec
2013 Support for Political Community in Quebec
2013 Support for Political Regime in Quebec
2013 "Legislative Voting in France"
2013 "Parliamentary Voting in Canada''
2013 "The Influence Of Money In Politics"
2013 Boussole électorale vs études électorales : éclairages semblable
2013 Citizens Like No Other. Contextual and Individual Explanations of Attitudes towards Roma Population in the EU Link
2013 Comparing Measures of Campaign Negativity: Expert Judgments Versus Content Analysis
2013 De la musique à la parole dans la publicité électorale québécoise : Une question de ton
2013 French Legislative Voting in the Fifth Republic
2013 Gender and electoral communication: How differences in non-verbal and verbal behavior lead to different evaluations of male and female politicians Link
2013 Gender Inference on Twitter in Non-English Contexts Link
2013 Gender, Stereotypes and Political Knowledge
2013 General Empirical Laws in Political Science: Different Perspectives from Different Sub_elds
2013 Le « printemps érables » & l’élection québécoise de 2012
2013 Les attitudes envers les institutions gouvernementales au Québec
2013 Les effets de la menace comme stratégie de persuasion en sécurité routière.
2013 Les émotions, le genre & le traitement de l’information
2013 Les jeunes et la participation politique : Étude canadienne de la jeunesse
2013 Les Québécoises & les élections provinciales
2013 L’empathie en contexte médiatique : Quelle definition conceptuelle et opérationnelle?
2013 Maple Spring Up Close: The Role of Self-Interest and Socio-Economic Resources for Youth Protest Link
2013 Measuring Outcomes: Youth and Interculturalism in the Classroom
2013 Political Efficacy and Young People in Canada, 1965-2011
2013 Political Orientation Inference on Twitter: It's Not Easy Link
2013 Race, Gender and Support for the Welfare State: A Comparative Experimental Approach Link
2013 Race, Gender and the Welfare State. A Three Country Online Study
2013 Racial Cues and Attitudes toward Redistribution : A Comparative Experimental Approach Link
2013 Robustness of Network Controllability under Edge Removal
2013 Staying with the Party, Switching, or Exiting? Determinants of party switching and abstention in 27 countries Link
2013 Strategic Voting vs. Issue Voting. Evidence from the French 2012 election
2013 Support for Political Authorities in Quebec
2013 The Consolidation of Parties in the Canadian House of Commons (1911-1962)
2013 The Economy and Incumbent Support in Latin America
2013 What can we learn about cheaters from past academic misconduct files?
2013 Symposium on Analyzing Microtext - What's in a name? Using first names as features for gender inference in Twitter Link
2013 Who we are and what we do: Canada as a pipeline nation
2012 L’approche des réponses cognitives en évaluation publicitaire : Proposition et validation d’une grille de catégorisation
2012 L’empathie virtuelle comme facteur d’influence de la réception de publicités sociales : Développement d’un outil de mesure
2012 Agenda Control, Partisanship and Voting Unity in the Canadian House of Commons (1867-1908)
2012 Cheating in Political Science: What can we learn from academic misconduct cases at Concordia University
2012 Clientelism and Electoral Accountability in Emerging Democracies
2012 Cross-border Perceptions of US and Canadian Health Care Systems.”
2012 Endless possibilities: Contingency, technocracy and the politics of innovation.
2012 Fench Legislative Voting.''
2012 Follow the Money (or perhaps the ubiquitous green signs): Electoral Politics and Canada’s Economic Action Plan
2012 Gender as a Policy-Relevant Cue : The Difference Motherhood Makes
2012 Homophily and Latent Attribute Inference: Inferring Attributes of Twitter Users from Neighbors
2012 Public Opinion, Prejudice and the Racialization of Welfare in Canada Link
2012 Racial Cues and Attitudes toward Redistribution: A Comparative Experimental Approach Link
2012 Religious Symbols, Multiculturalism and Policy Attitudes Link
2012 The Influence of Party Loyalty on Electoral Outcomes
2012 The Quebec Paradox.'
2012 Tracing the Evolution of Interest for Attacks Against Humanitarian Workers in News Media
2012 Using social media to infer gender composition of computer populations
2012 “Estimating Left-Right Party Positions in Canada: Comparing Party Manifesto Content and Expert Survey Data.”
2012 “The Spatial Logics of Identification: Mapping European Identities at the Individual Level.”
2012 “Who is to blame? Political Retribution, the Economic crisis and the 2009 European elections.”
2011 Attitudes Toward Immigration and Immigrants: The Impact of Economic and Cultural Cues in the US and Canada Link
2011 Canadian electoral advertisements: A preliminary study of physiological and cognitive effects,
2011 Canadians’ Attitudes toward Immigration : Preliminary Results from an Online Experiment on the Impact of Economic and Cultural Cues Link
2011 Convergence générationnelle ? : Les jeunes & la confiance généralisée au Québec & au Canada
2011 Digging for Systematic Patterns in Code Data
2011 Effets physiologiques et cognitifs de la publicité électorale canadienne: Une étude préliminaire
2011 Elites and Political Parties vs. Citizens: EU Identity contra Value Differences
2011 Endogeneity in Votersʼ Self-Positioning
2011 Is the grass always greener on the other side? Explaining citizens' trust in European institutions.
2011 Measuring turnout by age groups using voting records. Explaining the decline in voter turnout in Quebec general elections, 1985-2008
2011 Moving target: theses on mobility, technology and politics
2011 Policy Convergence and Punctuated Equilibrium: The Case of Canadian Provinces Revisited
2011 Probability of Pivotal Vote in Multi-Candidate Plurality Elections
2011 Sacrificial Lambs No More? Women Candidates and Party Competitiveness in Canada
2011 The Effect of Mobile Platforms on Twitter Content Generation Link
2011 paper presented for the Centre Métropolis du Québec - Immigration et métropoles - The Immigrant and Generational Divides in Canada
2011 The Individual and Institutional Determinants of Electoral Accountability in Four Latin American Federal Regimes
2011 The Influence of Party Discipline on Electoral Outcomes
2011 The Probability of Pivotal Outcome in Multi-Candidate Plurality Elections.'
2011 Two Sides of the Same Coin: Polarization and Moderation in U.S. House Elections, 1972-2008.
2011 `Lawmaking for a New Nation: The Canadian House of Commons (1867-1904).
2011 ``Legislative Turnover in the Canadian House of Commons (1867-2008)."
2011 “Repérage politique gauche-droite au Canada.”
2011 “That’s no way to run a railroad.” The Battle River branchline and the politics of technology in rural Alberta. Link
2010 Le vote économique en contexte de crise financière : le cas de l’élection provinciale québécoise de 2008.
2010 A Comparative Approach to Understanding Gendered Political Behaviour in Canada
2010 Debates in the European Parliament.
2010 Decision-Making in the Enlarged EU Council of Ministers: A Softer Consensus Norm as an Explanation for its Apparent Adaptability?”
2010 Deriving predictive models of signaling network dynamics from qualitative experimental data
2010 Heterogeneous Economic Voting: Evidence from Latin America 1995-2005
2010 How Does the Economy Affect Incumbent Approval? Evidence from Latin America
2010 Is declining turnout simply due to our improved ability to count voters? Measuring how the introduction of the permanent voter registry in Quebec affects voter turnout statistics.
2010 Lawmaking for a New Nation: Canadian House of Commons (1867-1878)
2010 Le déclin de la participation électorale au Québec, 1985-2007
2010 Le vote « ethnique » au Canada : La fidélité au parti libéral en transition
2010 Locating the Aboriginal Gender Gap : The Political Preferences and Participation of Aboriginal Women in Canada Link
2010 Misconstruing the European project? How welfare issues color attitudes towards Europe
2010 Race of Recipient and Support for Welfare Link
2010 Strongholds and Battlegrounds: Local Electoral Competition in Canada”,
2010 The Effect of Context on Executive Support in Latin America, 1995-2005
2010 The Importance of Being Social: the Impact of Welfare on Support for Europe
2010 Unfinished business: communication rights and the right to communicate in Canada Link
2010 “Canadian Women’s Opinions and Their Impact: A Case Study of Health Cate Reform 2001- 2006.”
2010 “Excuse us if we don’t give a fuck”: The (anti-)political career of participation Link
2010 “Le positionnement des partis politiques canadiens d’une langue à l’autre : la même image ou les deux solitudes?”
2010 “To Count or Not to Count? Vote Intention Firmness in Election Polls.”
2009 Le groupe de discussion comme façon de pallier les limites du quantitatif.
2009 A Vote Function Model to Forecast Canadian Federal Election Outcomes
2009 Constitution of Representative and Reliable Web-based Research Samples: The Challenges of Studying Blogs and Online Socio-Political Networks Link
2009 Does Trade Openness Affect the Way Voters Evaluate the Economic Performance of Their President?
2009 Explaining Aboriginal Turnout in Federal Elections: Evidence from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba Link
2009 La blogosphère politique québécoise : Une «société distincte» en Amérique du Nord ? Link
2009 Legislative Coalitions and Minority Governments in Canada
2009 L’argument de peur dans les campagnes de sécurité routière: A-t-on vraiment peur ?
2009 Measuring the Influence of Turnout on House Election Results: An Instrumental Variable Approach
2009 Minority-Majority Relations in Canada: The Rights Regime and the Adoption of Multicultural Values Link
2009 The Direct and Indirect Determinants of Electoral Participation. New Insight From Structural Equation Modeling
2009 The revenge of publicity
2009 Who’s afraid of fear appeals? The case of road safety public announcements. Communication
2009 “Estimating the Policy Positions of Canadian Political Parties from Legislative Election Manifestos 1968-2008.”
2009 “Exit, Voice, Loyalty and the Future of Healthcare in Canada : Insights from Public Opinion Research,”
2009 “Exploring the Use of Polls and Focus Groups in Healthcare Policymaking.”
2009 “From Pollsters to Journalists: Inaccuracies in Horse-race Coverage During the 2008 Canadian Election.”
2009 “Les groupes de discussion dans le développement de politiques publiques en santé,
2009 “Response-order Effects on Voting Intentions During the 2008 Presidential Election Campaign.”
2009 “The Quality of Public Opinion Poll Reports during the 2008 Canadian Election.”
2008 Economic Development, Value Diversity and Specific Political Support
2008 Effets de la crainte sur le degré d’implication émotionnelle et cognitive des récepteurs et sur la durée d’exposition à des messages de sécurité
2008 A Matter of Degree: Policy Preferences and the Probability to Vot
2008 Economic Development, Value Diversity, and Specific Political Support,
2008 Ethnic Identity in Multinational States: Ethnic Ties and the Development of Generalized Trust
2008 Macroeconomic Policies and Presidential Elections: Latin America 1980-2006
2008 Network Diversity and Political Participation: A Complication or an Asset? Link
2008 Predicting Party Group Affiliation from European Parliament Debates
2008 Publics 2.0?
2008 Reconciling Diversity and Community? Defining Social Cohesion in Developed Democracies Link
2008 Social Diversity and the Development of Political Tolerance Link
2008 The Freshman Dilemma: Legislative Behavior and Electoral Vulnerability.'
2008 “Comparing Methods to Locate the Policy Positions of Political Parties in the 2007 Quebec Election.”
2008 “Quality in Public Opinion Research: The Case of Biothechnology.”
2008 “Strategic Issue Framing in Election Campaigns: The Case of Healthcare in the 2000 Canadian Federal Election.”
2008 “Two complementary and indivisible freedoms…”: Science, technology and the normalization of Canada’s New Government.
2007 ́Etude expérimentale sur l’efficacité de la crainte dans les messages de sécurité routière
2007 De novo Signaling Pathway Predictions based on Protein-Protein Interaction, Targeted Therapy and Protein Microarray Analysis Link
2007 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association - Do Views about Minority Government Matter?
2007 Évaluation des effets cognitifs de publicités de sécurité routière axées sur la crainte
2007 The INSNA XXVII International Social Network Conference - Network Diversity and Views about Gay Marriage
2007 INSNA XXVII International Social Network Conference - Social Networks and Immigrant Women's Political Incorporation
2007 The 4th ECPR Genera Conference - The Determinants of Youth Political Participation: Conventional versus Non-Conventional
2006 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association - Gender and Vote Choice in the 2006 Canadian Election
2006 The Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association - How Voters Perceive and Evaluate the Prime Minister's Role in a Scandal: A Panel Study
2006 L’empathie virtuelle comme condition d’optimisation de l’implication fictive dans un contexte de marketing social
2006 RECOMP: A Parsimony-based Method for Detecting Recombination Link
2006 Techniques for Assessing Phylogenetic Branch Support: A Performance Study Link
2005 Political Consumerism: Its Motivations, Power, and Conditions in the Nordic Countries and Elsewhere, Proceedings from the 2nd International Seminar on Political Consumerism, Oslo August 26-29, 2005 - A Case of Discursive Political Consumerism: The Nike e-mail exchange
2005 RIATA-HGT: A Fast and Accurate Heuristic for Reconstruction Horizontal Gene Transfer Link
2005 Political Consumerism: Its Motivations, Power, and Conditions in the Nordic Countries and Elsewhere, Proceedings from the 2nd International Seminar on Political Consumerism, Oslo August 26-29, 2005 - Swedish Political Consumers: Who they are and why they use the Market as an Arena for Politics
2002 Comparative Politics - How Political Institutions Create and Destroy Social Capital: An Institutional Theory of Generalized Trust
2000 A Virtual Genome Environment for the Visualization and Navigation of Genomic Data Link