By | on August 30, 2021 | 0 Comment

Axis 1 – Learning democratic citizenship in an unequal world

Theme 1.1 – Learning across the life cycle

Theme 1.2: Challenges for Learning Citizenship

Theme 1.3: Adaptation and Integration of New Citizens

Theme 1.4 : Learning Social Solidarity


Axis 2 – Practicing Citizenship in a Skeptical World

Theme 2.1: Making Choice in Public Life

Theme 2.2: Perceiving the Public World

Theme 2.3: A Changing Media Landscape

Theme 2.4: Varieties and Transformation in Citizen Engagement


Axis 3 – Representing and Governing Citizens in Critical Times

Theme 3.1: Linking Citizens and Democratic Institutions in a Reform Era

  • Comparer les propriétés des systèmes électoraux: les incitants différentiels à se porter candidat – Arnaud Dellis
  • E-ballots and participatory budgeting process – Jeremy Clark

Theme 3.2: Debating Citizens’ Choices: Parties and Parliaments

Theme 3.3: Responding to Citizens: Responsiveness, Representation and Accountability

  • The Fulfillment of Government Pledges in Canada and in Comparative Perspective – François Pétry
  • The role of citizens in democratic accountability – Elisabeth Gidengil, André Blais, Marc André Bodet, Patrick Fournier, Dietlind Stolle
  • Political Dynasties: family dynamics among elected politicians – Marc André Bodet

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