André Blais

Université de Montreal

Department of Political Science
Address: Pav. PAV.M.CARON-L.GROULX-3200 J.B. \ bur. C4040
Tel: 514-343-6111 #40564

André Blais is a Professor of Political Science at Université de Montréal. As a specialist in the study of elections, he has interests in the fields of voting behaviour, public opinion, electoral systems, and political participation. As well as exploring the behaviour of voters and parties during 26 elections held in 5 countries through the Making Electoral Democracy Work (MEDW) Project, Professor Blais also researches the comparative behaviour of voters and parties in the context of regional, national, and European elections. His work makes use of a variety of quantitative methods, such as surveys and experiments. He is the Chair of Electoral Studies at Université de Montréal.

Research Axis
Axis 2: Practicing Citizenship in a Skeptical World - The practice of democratic citizenship is undergoing a multifaceted transition. There are fundamental changes in conceptions of democratic citizenship and in its practice as well as the targets of citizen action. Scepticism about representative democracy as a system of governance is growing and citizens across established democracies are withdrawing from politics. Their perception about the political world is impacted by transformations in the news media practices and by online content, including social media. Voting and party politics have been the basis of conventional interpretations of citizenship, but there is ample evidence that this conception is much too limited. New forms of communication are providing citizens with novel ways to gather information and to engage in politics.

Axis 3: Representing and Governing Citizens in Critical Times - After learning and practicing democratic citizenship, the next critical steps are representation and governance. Democratic institutions are key elements. They shape the norms and incentives for active citizenship and they link citizens and their representatives in ways that foster accountability, legitimacy and representation. In Québec and Canada, as well as in other countries, confidence of citizens toward the institutions is low, as many dislike the way that members of parliaments behave and consider that politicians don’t honour their promises, hence various political endeavours to reform these institutions. Research on this axis will focus on the role of electoral systems, parliaments, parliamentary debates, and political parties.

POL 6601 - Séminaire de sythèse: Forces et comportemenets politiques.

Danielle Anne Mayer, PhD
(Start: 2017)

Do Polls Influence the Vote?
Journal: Capturing Campaign Effects
Year: 2006
First Page: 263
Last Page: 279

Journal: To Keep or to Change First Past the Post: The Politics of Electoral Reform
Year: 2008

Turnout in Elections
Journal: Oxford Handbook of Political Behavior
Year: 2007

Electoral Systems and Democratic Satisfaction
Journal: Democratic Reform in New Brunswick
Year: 2007

Do Citizen Assemblies Make Reasoned Choices?
Journal: Designing Deliberative Democracy: The British Columbia Citizens' Assembly and Democratic Renewal
Year: 2008

The Government Life-Cycle
Journal: Democratic Reform in New Brunswick
Year: 2007

Winning, Losing, and Satisfaction with Democracy
Journal: Political Studies
Volume: 55
Year: 2007
First Page: 425
Last Page: 441

Making Candidates Count: The Logic of Electoral Alliances in Two Round Legislative Elections
Journal: Journal of Politics
Volume: 69
Year: 2007
First Page: 193
Last Page: 205

What Affects Turnout?
Journal: Annual Review of Political Science
Volume: 9
Year: 2006
First Page: 111
Last Page: 125

The Causes and Consequences of the Cumul des Mandats
Journal: French Politics
Volume: 4
Year: 2006
First Page: 266
Last Page: 268

Electoral Systems and Turnout
Journal: Acta Politica
Volume: 41
Year: 2006
First Page: 180
Last Page: 196

How Do Voters Form Expectations About the Parties' Chances of Winning the Election?
Journal: Social Science Quarterly
Volume: 87
Year: 2006
First Page: 477
Last Page: 493

Does Proportional Representation Foster Closer Congruence Between Citizens and Policymakers?
Journal: Comparative Political Studies
Volume: 39
Year: 2006
First Page: 1243
Last Page: 1262

Do Voters Care About Government Coalitions?
Journal: Party Politics
Volume: 12
issue: 6
Year: 2006
First Page: 691
Last Page: 705

Accounting for the Electoral Success of the Liberal Party in Canada
Journal: Revue canadienne de science politique/Canadian Journal of Political Science
Volume: 38
Year: 2005
First Page: 821
Last Page: 840

To Adopt or Not to Adopt Proportional Representation: The Politics of Institutional Choice
Journal: British Journal of Political Science
Volume: 35
Year: 2005
First Page: 182
Last Page: 190

Direct or indirect? Assessing Two Approaches to the Measurement of Strategic Voting
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 24
Year: 2005
First Page: 163
Last Page: 176

Corruption Was the Tipping Point
Journal: The Globe and Mail
Year: 2006

The Determinants of Youth Political Participation: Conventional versus Non-Conventional
Journal: The 4th ECPR Genera Conference
Year: 2007

Do Views about Minority Government Matter?
Journal: Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association
Year: 2007

To Keep or to Change First Past the Post: The Politics of Electoral Reform
Year: 2008
Place: Oxford, Oxford University Press

Systemic Effects of Televised Candidates' Debates
Journal: The International Journal of Press/Politics
Volume: 13
issue: 4
Year: 2008
First Page: 451
Last Page: 464

One-round vs. Two-round Elections: An Experimental Study
Journal: French Politics
Volume: 5
issue: 3
Year: 2007
First Page: 278
Last Page: 286

How Voters Perceive and Evaluate the Prime Minister's Role in a Scandal: A Panel Study
Journal: The Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association
Year: 2006

Making Candidates Count: The Logic of Electoral Alliances in Two-Round Legislative Elections
Journal: The Journal of Politics
Volume: 69
issue: 1
Year: 2007
First Page: 193
Last Page: 205

La mesure
Journal: Recherche sociale; de la problématique à la collecte des données
Volume: 227
issue: 250
Year: 2009
Place: Québec
Publisher: Presses de l'Université du Québec

Le sondage
Journal: Recherche sociale; de la problématique à la collecte des données
Year: 2009
First Page: 445
Last Page: 488
Place: Québec
Publisher: Presses de l'Université du Québec

Political Judgments, Perceptions of Facts, and Partisan Effects
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 29
issue: 1
Year: 2010
First Page: 1
Last Page: 12

The Electoral System and Its Effects
Journal: West European Politics
Volume: 34
issue: 2
Year: 2009
First Page: 342
Last Page: 356

A General Measure of District Competitiveness
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 28
issue: 1
Year: 2009
First Page: 94
Last Page: 100

Strategic Defection across Elections, Parties, and Voters
Journal: Citizens, Context, and Choice: How the Political Context Shapes Electoral Behavior
Year: 2011
Place: Oxford
Publisher: Oxford University Press

Political Participation
Journal: Comparing Democracies 3: Elections and Voting in the 21st Century
Year: 2010
Place: London
Publisher: Sage

Turnout in Electoral Democracies Revisited
Journal: Activating the Citizen: Dilemmas of Participation in Europe and Canada
Year: 2009
Place: New York
Publisher: Palgrave

Le système électoral et les comportements électoraux
Journal: Le parlementarisme canadien
Year: 2009
Place: Québec
Publisher: Presses de l'Université Laval

Voting Strategically in Canada and Britain
Journal: Duverger's Law of Plurality Voting: The Logic of Party Competition in Canada, India, the United Kingdom and the United States
Year: 2009
Place: New York
Publisher: Springer

Journal: To Keep or to Change First Past the Post: The Politics of Electoral Reform
Year: 2008
Place: Oxford
Publisher: Oxford University Press

Journal: To Keep or to Change First Past the Post: The Politics of Electoral Reform
Year: 2008
Place: Oxford
Publisher: Oxford University Press

Turnout in Elections
Journal: Oxford Handbook of Political Behavior
Year: 2009
Place: Oxford
Publisher: Oxford University Press

Increased Realism at Lower Cost: The Case for the Hybrid Experiment
Journal: PS: Political Science and Politics
Volume: 44
issue: 3
Year: 2011
First Page: 521
Last Page: 523

Optimists and Sceptics: Why Do People Believe in the Value of their Single Vote?
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 30
issue: 1
Year: 2011
First Page: 77
Last Page: 82

Personality Traits, Political Attitudes, and the Propensity to Vot
Journal: European Journal of Political Research
Volume: 50
issue: 3
Year: 2011
First Page: 395
Last Page: 417

Who Selects Party Leaders?
Journal: Party Politics
Volume: 18
issue: 2
Year: 2012
First Page: 127
Last Page: 150

Strategic Vote Choice in One Round and Two Round Elections : An Experimental Study
Journal: Political Research Quarterly
Volume: 64
issue: 3
Year: 2011
First Page: 637
Last Page: 646

The Mechanical and Psychological Effects of Electoral Systems
Journal: Comparative Politics
Volume: 44
Year: 2011
First Page: 1599
Last Page: 1621

The French Electoral and Party System in Comparative Perspective
Journal: French Politics
Volume: 8
issue: 1
Year: 2010
First Page: 79
Last Page: 82

Political Leaders and Democratic Elections
Journal: Political Leaders and Democratic Elections
Year: 2011
Place: Oxford
Publisher: Oxford University Press

Decentralization and Voter Turnout
Journal: Environment and Planning C
Volume: 29
issue: 2
Year: 2011
First Page: 297
Last Page: 320

Public Spending, Public Deficits, and Government Coalitions
Journal: Political Studies
Volume: 58
issue: 5
Year: 2010
First Page: 829
Last Page: 846

The Source of Turnout Decline: New Values or New Contexts?
Journal: Comparative Political Studies
Year: 2012

The Impact of Motivational and Contextual Factors on Turnout in First- and Second-Order Elections
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 30
issue: 4
Year: 2011
First Page: 689
Last Page: 699

Electoral Systems, Feelings of Representation, and the Turnout Decision
Journal: Elections and Representative Democracy: Representation and Accountability
Year: 2010
Place: Oxford
Publisher: Oxford University Press

Missing the Message: Young Adults and the Election Issues / La sourde oreille: Les jeunes adultes et les enjeux électoraux
Journal: Electoral Insight / Perspectives Électorales
Volume: 7
issue: 1
Year: 2005
First Page: 6
Last Page: 11

Are Party Leaders Becoming More Important to Vote Choice in Canada
Journal: Political Leadership and Representation in Canada: Essays in Honour of John C. Courtney
Year: 2007
First Page: 39
Last Page: 59

Coalition Considerations and the Vote
Journal: The Elections in Israel
Year: 2005
First Page: 143
Last Page: 166

Journal: To Keep or to Change First Past the Post: The Politics of Electoral Reform
Year: 2008

When Citizens Choose to Reform SMP: the British Columbia Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform
Journal: To Keep or to Change First Past the Post: The Politics of Electoral Reform
Year: 2008
First Page: 140
Last Page: 162

A Socio-economic Status and Non-Voting: A Cross-National Comparative Analysis
Journal: The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems
Year: 2009

Back to the Future? Making Sense of the 2004 Canadian Election outside Quebec
Journal: Revue canadienne de science politique/Canadian Journal of Political Science
Volume: 39
Year: 2006
First Page: 1
Last Page: 25

Did Bill C-24 Affect Voter Turnout? Evidence from the 2000 and 2004 Elections
Journal: Revue canadienne de science politique/Canadian Journal of Political Science
Volume: 39
Year: 2006
First Page: 935
Last Page: 943

Does Low Turnout Matter? Evidence From the 2000 Canadian Election
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 26
issue: 3
Year: 2007
First Page: 589
Last Page: 597

Foreign Policy: Harper's Soft Underbelly: Insights from the Canadian Election Study
Journal: Inroads
Volume: 20
Year: 2007
First Page: 117
Last Page: 21

Harper Can Thank Federalist Voters
Journal: The Globe and Mail
Year: 2006

Testing Zaller's Reception and Acceptance Model in an Intense Election Campaign
Journal: Political Behavior
Volume: 30
issue: 2
Year: 2008
First Page: 259
Last Page: 276

What Does It Take for a Canadian Political Scientist to Get Cited
Journal: Social Science Quarterly
Volume: 89
issue: 3
Year: 2008
First Page: 802
Last Page: 816

Dominance and Decline: Making Sense of Recent Canadian Elections
Year: 2012
Place: Toronto
Publisher: University of Toronto Press

Political Leaders and Democratic Elections
Year: 2011
Place: Oxford
Publisher: Oxford University Press

Politics at the Centre: The Selection and Removal of Party Leaders in the Anglo Parliamentary Democracies
Year: 2012
Place: Oxford
Publisher: Oxford University Press

New Media, Old Media, Campaigns, and Canadian Democracy
Journal: From New Public Management to New Political Governance
Year: 2012
Place: Montreal
Publisher: McGill-Queen's University Press

The Relevance and Future of the Canadian Election Studies
Journal: The Canadian Election Studies: Assessing Four Decades of Influence
Year: 2012
Place: Vancouver
Publisher: UBC Press

Strategic Voting in the Laboratory
Journal: Experimental Political Science: Principles and Practices
Year: 2012
Place: London
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

Le vote obligatoire exerce-t-il un effet de socialisation politique?
Journal: Le vote obligatoire: Débats, enjeux et défis
Year: 2011
Place: Paris
Publisher: Economica

Holding Party Leaders to Account: The Westminster Cases
Journal: How Power Changes Hands: Transition and Succession in Government
Year: 2011
Place: New York
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

Push or Pull? The Relative Impact of Positive and Negative Leader Evaluations on Vote Choice
Journal: Political Leaders and Democratic Elections
Year: 2011
Place: Oxford
Publisher: Oxford University Press

The Quarterly Allowance and Turnout: Old and New Evidence
Journal: Money, Politics, and Democracy: Canada's Party Finance Reforms
Year: 2011
Place: Vancouver
Publisher: UBC Press

A Question of Ethics: Canadians Speak Out
Year: 2006
Place: University of Toronto Press

Strengthening Canadian Democracy
Year: 2005
Place: Institute for Research on Public Policy

Explaining the Gender Gap in Support for the New Right: The Case of Canada
Journal: Comparative Political Studies
Volume: 38
Year: 2005
First Page: 1
Last Page: 25

Gender and Vote Choice in the 2006 Canadian Election
Journal: Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association
Year: 2006

Comparative Journal Ratings: A Survey Report
Journal: Political Studies Review
Volume: 7
issue: 1
Year: 2009
First Page: 18
Last Page: 38

Deliberation et changement d'opinion lors d'un sondage
Journal: Methodes de sondage
Year: 2008
First Page: 147
Last Page: 152

Comparing Strategic Voting Under FPTP and PR Systems
Journal: Comparative Political Studies
Volume: 43
issue: 1
Year: 2010
First Page: 61
Last Page: 90

Political Science Journals in Comparative Perspective: Evaluating Scholarly Journals in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
Journal: PS: Political Science and Politics
Volume: 42
issue: 4
Year: 2009
First Page: 695
Last Page: 717

The United States: A Case of Duvergerian Equilibrium
Journal: Duverger's Law of Plurality Voting: The Logic of Party Competition in Canada, India, the United Kingdom and the United States
Year: 2009
Place: New York
Publisher: Springer

Duverger's Law of Plurality Voting: The Logic of Party Competition in Canada, India, the U.K. and the U.S.
Year: 2009
Place: New York
Publisher: Springer

Winning and Competitiveness as Determinants of Political Support
Journal: Social Science Quarterly
Volume: 92
issue: 3
Year: 2011
First Page: 695
Last Page: 709

Gender, Knowledge, and Social Capital
Journal: Gender and Social Capital
Year: 2006
First Page: 241
Last Page: 272

Deliberation, Information and Trust: The BC Citizens' Assembly as Agenda Setter
Journal: Designing Deliberative Democracy: The British Columbia Citizens' Assembly and Democratic Renewal
Year: 2008

Women to the Left, Men to the Right
Journal: The Globe and Mail
Year: 2006

When Citizens Decide: Lessons from Citizen Assemblies on Electoral Reform
Year: 2011
Place: Oxford
Publisher: Oxford University Press

Strategic, Sincere, and Heuristic Voting under Four Election Rules
Journal: Social Choice and Welfare
Volume: 35
issue: 3
Year: 2010
First Page: 435
Last Page: 472

Journal: Auditing Canadian Democracy
Year: 2010
Place: Vancouver
Publisher: UBC Press

Why is Turnout so Low in Switzerland? Comparing the Attitudes of Swiss and German Citizens Towards Electoral Democracy
Journal: Swiss Political Science Review
Volume: 20
issue: 4
Year: 2014
First Page: 520
Last Page: 528

La participation électorale
Journal: Les Québécois aux urnes
Year: 2013
First Page: 175
Last Page: 186

L’abstention sélective, ou pourquoi les jeunes qui votent au federal boudent les elections municipales
Journal: Canadian Journal of Political Science
Volume: 45
issue: 4
Year: 2012
First Page: 909
Last Page: 927
Eugénie Dostie-Goulet

Assessing the Psychological and Mechanical Impact of Electoral Rules: A Quasi-Experiment
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 31
issue: 4
Year: 2012
First Page: 829
Last Page: 837
Maxime Héroux-Legault
Laura Stephenson
William Cross

Deliberation from within: Changing one's mind during an interview
Journal: Political Psychology
Volume: 32
issue: 5
Year: 2011
First Page: 885
Last Page: 919
Mathieu Turgeon
Joanna Everitt
Neil Nevitte

The Political Resocialization of Immigrants: Resistance or Lifelong Learning?
Journal: Political Research Quarterly
Volume: 61
issue: 2
Year: 2008
First Page: 268
Last Page: 281
Neil Nevitte

Election campaigns as Information Campaigns: Who Learns What and Does it Matter?
Journal: Political Communication
Volume: 25
issue: 3
Year: 2008
First Page: 229
Last Page: 248
Neil Nevitte

Measuring expectations: Comparing alternative approaches
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 27
issue: 2
Year: 2008
First Page: 337
Last Page: 343
Neil Nevitte
Bruce M. Hicks

Vote au pluriel : How people vote when offered to vote under different rules?
Journal: PS : Political Science & Politics
Volume: 46
issue: 2
Year: 2013
First Page: 324
Last Page: 329
Karine van der Straeten
Jean-François Laslier

Sorting out Mechanical and Psychological Effects in Candidate Elections : An Appraisal with Experimental Data
Journal: British Journal of Political Science
Volume: 43
issue: 4
Year: 2013
First Page: 937
Last Page: 944
Karine van der Straeten
Nicolas Sauger,
Jean-François Laslier

Differentiating Winners : How Elections Affect Satisfaction with Democracy
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 31
issue: 1
Year: 2011
First Page: 201
Last Page: 211
Shane Singh
Ekrem Karakoç

Evaluating U.S. Electoral Institutions in Comparative Perspective.
Journal: Representation: Elections and Beyond
Year: 2013

Voter Turnout
Journal: Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science
Year: 2013
Eva Anduiza
Place: New York

Anxiety and Vote Decision Making in Winner-Take-All Elections
Journal: Canadian Journal of Political Science
Volume: 47
issue: 3
Year: 2014
First Page: 451
Last Page: 474
Delia Dumitrescu

Strategic Voting and Coordination Problems in Proportional Systems: An Experimental Study
Journal: Political Research Quarterly
Volume: 67
issue: 2
Year: 2014
Ludovic Rheault
Cengiz Erisen

Staying with the Party, Switching, or Exiting? Determinants of party switching and abstention in 27 countries
Year: 2013
Ruth Dassonneville
Conference Name: Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA)

Does the Composition of Government Better Reflect the Party Preferences of Citizens who are Better Off, More Educated, and More Informed?
Year: 2014
Conference Name: Second Annual Toronto Political Behaviour Workshop

Is Political Interest Absolute or Relative?
Year: 2014
André Blais
Conference Name: APSA 2014 Annual Meeting Paper

“Voting Strategically in Canada and Britain
Journal: Duverger's Law of Plurality Voting: The Logic of Party Competition in Canada, India, the United Kingdom and the United States
Year: 2009
Eugénie Dostie-Goulet

Does Proportional Representation Foster Closer Congruence Between Citizens and Policy Makers?
Journal: Comparative Political Studies
Volume: 39
issue: 10
Year: 2006
First Page: 1243
Last Page: 1262

Probability of Pivotal Vote in Multi-Candidate Plurality Elections
Year: 2011
Ludovic Rhéault
Place: Waterloo
Conference Name: Canadian Political Science Association Meeting

The Probability of Pivotal Outcome in Multi-Candidate Plurality Elections.'
Year: 2011
Ludovic Rheault
Place: San Antonio
Conference Name: Annual Meeting of the Public Choice Society

Who has the Right to Vote?
Journal: Contending Perspectives in Comparative Politics
Year: 2009
Antoine Yoshinaka
Place: Washington
Publisher: CQ Press

Year: 2004
Neil Nevitte
Place: Vancouver
Publisher: UBC Press

Anatomy of A Liberal Victory: Making Sense of the 2000 Canadian Election
Year: 2002
Neil Nevitte
Place: Peterboroug
Publisher: Broadview P

Making Up for Lost Time: Immigrant Voter Turnout in Canada / Rattraper le temps perdu: Le taux de vote des immigrants au Canada
Volume: 8
issue: 2
Year: 2006
First Page: 10
Last Page: 16

Does the Composition of Government Reflect Citizens' Party Preferences?
Journal: Political Science Research and Methods
Year: 2016

Intended and Reported Political Participation
Journal: International Journal of Public Opinion Research
Volume: 28
issue: 1
Year: 2015
First Page: 117
Last Page: 128
Ellen Quintelier

Is Duverger's Law Valid?
Journal: French Politics
Volume: 14
issue: 1
Year: 2016
First Page: 126
Last Page: 130

Le vote à l'Élection d'à côté.
Journal: Politique et Sociétés
Volume: 35
issue: 1
Year: 2016
First Page: 49
Last Page: 72
Simon Labbé St-Vincent

Measuring the Civic Duty to Vote : A Proposal
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 41
Year: 2016
First Page: 60
Last Page: 69
Carol Galais

The Language of Political Science : Should It Be English?
Journal: European Political Science
Year: 2016

Assessing the Mechanical and Psychological Effects of District Magnitude
Journal: Journal of Election, Public Opinion, and Parties
Volume: 25
issue: 3
Year: 2015
First Page: 284
Last Page: 299
Romain Lachat
Ignacio Lago

Engaging Immigrants? Examining the Correlates of Political Participation among Voters with MIgration Background
Journal: Journal of Election, Public Opinion, and Parties
Volume: 25
issue: 4
Year: 2015
First Page: 407
Last Page: 424
Hanna Wass
Alexandre Morin-Chassé
Marjukka Weide

Staying with the Party, Switching or Exiting? A Comparative Analysis of Determinants of Party Switching and Abstaining
Journal: Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties
Volume: 25
issue: 3
Year: 2015
First Page: 387
Last Page: 405
Y. Dejaeghere

Beyond rationalization: Voting out of duty or expressing duty after voting?
Journal: International Political Science Review
Volume: 37
issue: 2
Year: 2014
First Page: 213
Last Page: 229

Addressing Europe's Democratic Deficit: An Experimental Evaluation of the Pan-European District Proposal
Journal: European Union Politics
Volume: 17
issue: 4
Year: 2016
First Page: 525
Last Page: 545
Damien Bol
Philipp Harfst
Sona Golder
Jean-Francois Laslier

Linking Party Preference and the Composition of Government : A New Standard for Evaluating the Performance of Electoral Democracy
Journal: Political Science Research and Methods - First View
Year: 2016
First Page: 1
Last Page: 17

The Duty to Vote and Political Support in Asia
Journal: International Journal of Public Opinion Research
Year: 2016
Carol Galais

The Electoral Sweet Spot in the Lab
Journal: Journal of Experimental Political Science
Volume: 3
issue: 1
Year: 2016
First Page: 75
Last Page: 83
Simon Labbé St-Vincent
Jean-Benoît Pilet

The impact of Election outcomes on Satisfaction with Democracy in a Two Round System.
Journal: French Politics
Year: 2014
First Page: 22
Last Page: 35
Martial Foucault

Voting Experiments
Year: 2016
Jean-François Laslier
Karine Van der Straeten
Publisher: Springer

Are People More Inclined to Vote When Aggregate Turnout is High?
Journal: Voting Experiments
Year: 2016
Rafael Hortala-Vallve

Electoral System and Number of Candidates : Candidate Entry under Plurality and Majority Runoff
Journal: Voting Experiments
Year: 2016
Jean-François Laslier
Damien Bol
Antonin Macé

Journal: Voting Experiments
Year: 2016
Jean-François Laslier
Karine Van der Straeten

Visibility and Sanctions : The Social Norm of Voting in the lab
Journal: Voting Experiments
Year: 2016
Aina Gallego
Carol Galais
Marc Guinjoan

Strategic Voting and Personality Traits
Journal: Voting Experiments
Year: 2016
Cengiz Erisen

Patterns of Strategic Voting in Runoff Elections
Journal: Voting Experiments
Year: 2016
Karine Van der Straeten
Jean-François Laslier

Measuring Perceptions of Candidate Viability in Voting Experiments
Journal: Voting Experiments
Year: 2016
Simon Labbé St-Vincent
Martial Foucault
Jean-François Laslier
Nicolas Sauger

Intention to Vote, Reported Vote and Validated Vote
Journal: The Act of Voting : Identities, Institutions, and Locale
Year: 2015
Christopher Achen

La mesure
Journal: Recherche sociale; de la problématique à la collecte des données, sixième édition révisée
Year: 2016
Benoît Gauthier
Isabelle Bourgeois

Le sondage
Journal: Recherche sociale: de la problématique à la collecte des données, cinquième édition révisée
Year: 2016
Benoît Gauthier
Isabelle Bourgeois

Rational Choice and the Calculus of Voting
Journal: Handbook of Social Choice and Voting
Year: 2016

Comparing Measures of Campaign Negativity : Expert Judgments Versus Content Analysis
Journal: New Perspectives on Negative Advertising Measures, Causes and Effects
Year: 2015
Publisher: ECPR Press

Political Institutions, Perceptions of Representation, and the Turnout Decision
Journal: Elections and Representative Democracy : Representation and Accountability
Year: 2014
Shane Singh
Delia Dumitrescu
Publisher: Oxford University Press

Explaining the Modern Gender Gap
Journal: Mind the Gap: Canadian Perspectives on Gender and Politics
Year: 2013
First Page: 48
Last Page: 63
Joanna Everitt
Neil Nevitte
Publisher: Fernwood

Citizens' Preferences about Voting Rules : Self-Interest, Ideology, and Sincerity
Journal: Public Choice
Volume: 164
issue: 3
Year: 2015
First Page: 423
Last Page: 442
Jean-François Laslier
Francois Poinas
Karine Van der Straeten

Do People Feel More of a Duty to Vote in Some Elections?
Journal: West European Politics
Volume: 39
issue: 4
Year: 2015
First Page: 755
Last Page: 777
Carol Galais

To Vote or to Abstain? An Experimental Test of Rational Calculus in First Past the Post and PR Elections
Journal: Electoral Studies
Year: 2014
Jean-Benoît Pilet
Karine Van der Straeten
Jean-François Laslier

Voting correctly in lab elections with monetary incentives: The impact of district magnitude
Journal: Party Politics
Volume: 22
issue: 4
Year: 2014
First Page: 544
Last Page: 551
Jean-Benoit Pilet
Rafael Treibich

Angry Enough to Abstain? Turnout, Political Discontent and the Economic Crisis in the 2013 Elections
Journal: Polis
Year: 2014
First Page: 25
Last Page: 36
Dario Tuorto

A Call of Duty in Hard Times: Duty to Vote and the Spanish Economic Crisis
Journal: Research and Politics
Volume: 1
issue: 2
Year: 2014
Carol Galais

Information, visibility and elections: Why electoral outcomes differ when voters are better informed
Journal: European Journal of Political Research
Volume: 48
issue: 2
Year: 2009
First Page: 256
Last Page: 280
Eugénie Dostie-Goulet
Neil Nevitte

Correct Voting and Post-Election Regret
Journal: PS: Political Science and Politics
Volume: 49
issue: 4
Year: 2016
First Page: 761
Last Page: 765
Anja Kilibarda

Strategic voting in the second round of a two-round system: The 2014 French municipal elections
Journal: French Politics
Volume: 15
issue: 1
Year: 2017
Annie Laurent
Benard Dolez

Legislative Party Switching and the Changing Nature of the Canadian Party System, 1867-–2015
Journal: Canadian Journal of Political Science/ Revue Canadienne de Science Politique
Year: 2018
Semra Sevi
Antoine Yoshinaka
André Blais
Publisher: Cambridge University Press

A students’ proposal for electoral reform
Journal: Policy Options
Year: 2016
André Blais
Semra Sevi

Ensuring young people are heard on electoral reform
Journal: Policy Options
Year: 2016
André Blais
Semra Sevi
Place: Ottawa

Non, je ne regrette rien': Citizens' Reflections on Their Electoral Choices
Year: 2014

In the Line of Duty: The Moral Basis of Turnout in the 2011 Irish Election
Journal: A Conservative Revolution? Electoral Change in Twenty-First-Century Ireland
Year: 2017
Carol Galais
Theresa Reidy
Place: Oxford
Publisher: Oxford University Press

Journal: The Sage Handbook of Electoral Behaviour
Year: 2017
Hanna Wass
Place: London
Publisher: Sage

Le Scrutin Proportionnel Produit-il une Meilleure Representation de L'opinion?
Journal: La politique en question,
Year: 2018
Place: Montréal
Publisher: Presses de l'Université du Québec

Information on Party Strength and Strategic Voting: Evidence of Non-Effects from a Randomized Experiment
Journal: The many faces of strategic voting
Year: 2018
Laura Stephenson
Daniel Rubenson
Place: Ann Arbor
Publisher: University of Michigan Press

Voting Strategically in Two-Vote Elections
Journal: The many faces of strategic voting
Year: 2018
Laura Stephenson
Daniel Rubenson
Place: Ann Arbor
Publisher: University of Michigan Press

The many faces of strategic voting
Journal: The many faces of strategic voting
Year: 2018
Laura Stephenson
John H. Aldrich
Place: Ann Arbor
Publisher: University of Michigan Press

The future of election studies & the study of elections
Journal: Duty and Choice: The Evolution of the Study of Voting and Voters
Year: 2019
Peter Loewen
Daniel Rubenson
Place: Toronto
Publisher: University of Toronto Press

Strategic Voting
Journal: The Oxford Handbook of Public Choice
Year: 2018
Degan A
Place: New-York
Publisher: Oxford University Press

Has the Gender Gap in Voter Turnout Really Disappeared? Evidence from Subnational, National and Supranational Elections
Journal: West European Politics
Volume: 42
issue: 3
Year: 2019
First Page: 437
Last Page: 463
Filip Kostelka

What is the Cost of Voting?
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 59
Year: 2019
First Page: 145
Last Page: 157

Which matters most : Party strategic exit or voter strategic voting? A laboratory experiment
Journal: Political Science Research and Methods
Year: 2018
First Page: 1
Last Page: 16
Damien Bol
Simon Labbé St-Vincent

The Chicken and Egg Question: Satisfaction with Democracy and Voter Turnout
Journal: PS: Political Science & Politics
Year: 2018
Filip Kostelka

How much do voters care about the electoral out- come in their district?
Journal: Journal of Representative Democracy
Year: 2018
Jean-François Daoust

The National Question and Electoral Politics in Quebec and Scotland
Year: 2019
Publisher: McGill-Queen's University Press

Provincial Battles, National Prize? Elections in a Federal State
Year: 2019

The motivation to vote
Year: 2020
Publisher: UBC Press

Strategic Voting
Journal: The Oxford Handbook of Public Choice
Year: 2019
Publisher: Oxford University Press

Electoral and Party Systems
Journal: The United States and Canada: How Two Democracies Dier, and Why It Matters
Year: 2019
Publisher: Oxford University Press

Is there a gender gap in the sense of duty to vote?
Journal: Societies
Volume: 9
issue: 78
Year: 2019
First Page: 1
Last Page: 15

The effect of social pressure from family and friends on turnout
Journal: Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
Volume: 36
issue: 9
Year: 2019
First Page: 2824
Last Page: 2841

Do Women Get Fewer Votes? No.
Journal: Canadian Journal of Political Science
Volume: 52
issue: 1
Year: 2019
First Page: 201
Last Page: 210

Is it a duty to vote and to be informed?
Journal: Political Studies Review
Volume: 17
issue: 4
Year: 2019
First Page: 328
Last Page: 339

Voters and abstainers in national and European Elections?
Journal: European Review
Volume: 27
issue: 2
Year: 2019
First Page: 300
Last Page: 315

Early voting and satisfaction with vote choice
Journal: Representation
Volume: 55
issue: 2
Year: 2019
First Page: 225
Last Page: 233

Was my decision to vote (or abstain) the right one
Journal: Party Politics
Volume: 25
issue: 3
Year: 2019
First Page: 382
Last Page: 389

Civic duty and voter turnout
Journal: Political Behavior
Volume: 41
issue: 1
Year: 2019
First Page: 473
Last Page: 497