Richard Nadeau

Université de Montreal

Department of Political Science
Address: Pav. PAV.M.CARON-L.GROULX-3200 J.B. \ bur. C4030
Tel: 514-343-6111 #54799

Richard Nadeau has an M.A. (1981) in Economics and a Ph.D. (1988) in Political Science from the Université de Montréal.

Richard Nadeau is a Professor of Political Science at Université de Montréal. His research focuses on questions of voting behaviour, public opinion, economic voting, and political. Professor Nadeau has also carried out research that looks into the issues, images, and behaviour of political parties. He is also an Associate Researcher at CEVIPOF.

Research Axis
Axis 2: Practicing Citizenship in a Skeptical World - The practice of democratic citizenship is undergoing a multifaceted transition. There are fundamental changes in conceptions of democratic citizenship and in its practice as well as the targets of citizen action. Scepticism about representative democracy as a system of governance is growing and citizens across established democracies are withdrawing from politics. Their perception about the political world is impacted by transformations in the news media practices and by online content, including social media. Voting and party politics have been the basis of conventional interpretations of citizenship, but there is ample evidence that this conception is much too limited. New forms of communication are providing citizens with novel ways to gather information and to engage in politics.

Axis 3: Representing and Governing Citizens in Critical Times - After learning and practicing democratic citizenship, the next critical steps are representation and governance. Democratic institutions are key elements. They shape the norms and incentives for active citizenship and they link citizens and their representatives in ways that foster accountability, legitimacy and representation. In Québec and Canada, as well as in other countries, confidence of citizens toward the institutions is low, as many dislike the way that members of parliaments behave and consider that politicians don’t honour their promises, hence various political endeavours to reform these institutions. Research on this axis will focus on the role of electoral systems, parliaments, parliamentary debates, and political parties.

Marc-Antoine Martel, PhD
(Start: 2020)

Anatomie du conservatisme américain
Journal: l'Annuaire du Québec 2007
Year: 2006
First Page: 416
Last Page: 421

Canada's Democratic Malaise : Are the Media to Blame ?
Journal: Strengthening Canadian Democracy
Year: 2005
First Page: 229
Last Page: 267

La victoire anticipée des travaillistes
Journal: Libération
Year: 2005

La bataille de l'image: avantage à Dumont et Charest
Journal: Le Devoir
Year: 2007

L'economie inspire-t-elle le vote?
Journal: La politique en questions, ouvrage collectif
Year: 2008
First Page: 84
Last Page: 92

Leadership Traits in French Election Studies: Measurement Issues
Journal: French Politics
Volume: 8
Year: 2010
First Page: 215
Last Page: 221

Jusqu'où ira Obama ?
Journal: Policy Options
Volume: 29
issue: 3
Year: 2008
First Page: 25
Last Page: 27

Patrimonial Economic Voting: Legislative Elections in France
Journal: West European Politics
Volume: 33
issue: 6
Year: 2010
First Page: 1261
Last Page: 1277

Economics and Elections Revisited
Journal: Comparative Political Studies
Year: 2012
First Page: 1-23

Economic Voting Theory: Testing New Dimensions
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 30
issue: 2
Year: 2011
First Page: 288
Last Page: 294

Assets and Risk: A Neglected Dimension of Economic Voting
Journal: French Politics
Volume: 9
issue: 2
Year: 2011
First Page: 97
Last Page: 119

L'économie inspire-t-elle le vote?
Journal: La politique en questions
Year: 2008
First Page: 84
Last Page: 92
Place: Montréal
Publisher: Presses de l'Université de Montréal

Un nouvel équilibre politique aux États-Unis
Journal: Le système politique américain (4e édition)
Year: 2008
First Page: 171
Last Page: 200
Place: Montréal
Publisher: Presses de l¿Université de Montréal

Les élections européennes au Québec: un non-événement?
Journal: Les elections européennes de 2009
Year: 2010
Place: Paris
Publisher: L'Harmattan

Leaders Images and the Presidential Vote in France
Journal: Personality in Politics? The Role of Leaders Evaluations in Democratic Elections
Year: 2010

Le modèle finlandais: des leçons pour le Québec ?
Journal: La Presse
issue: 1
Year: 2009
First Page: C5

Une responsabilité partagée. L'abstentionnisme est une tendance lourde mais pas une fatalité
Journal: La Presse
issue: 10
Year: 2008
First Page: A31

Un bon choix stratégique. L'Économie surtout, mais la santé aussi, favorisent le Parti libéral lors de ces élections
Journal: La Presse
issue: 20
Year: 2008
First Page: A29

L'erreur de Stéphane Dion. Le chef du PLC a commis l'erreur de se définir comme un progressiste plutôt que comme un centriste
Journal: La Presse
issue: 16
Year: 2008
First Page: A35

Avantage décisif pour Harper. Les Canadiens croient que les conservateurs sont plus compétents pour s'occuper de l'économie
Journal: La Presse
issue: 23
Year: 2008
First Page: A27

Dumont va passer un tour. Menacé de subir une dure défaite, l'ADQ n'a aucun intérêt à défaire le gouvernement sur le budget
Journal: La Presse
issue: 11
Year: 2008
First Page: A25

Electoral Forecasting in France: A Multi-Equation Solution
Journal: International Journal of Forecasting
Volume: 26
issue: 1
Year: 2010
First Page: 11
Last Page: 18

Election Forecasting in the United Kingdom: A Two-Step Model
Journal: Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties
Volume: 19
issue: 3
Year: 2009
First Page: 333
Last Page: 358

French Presidential Elections
Year: 2012
Place: Basingstoke
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

Le vote des Français de Mitterrand à Sarkozy
Year: 2012
Place: Paris
Publisher: Presses de Sciences Po

Comment expliquer la vague orange du 2 mai au Québec?
Journal: L'état du Québec 2012
Year: 2012
First Page: 119
Last Page: 125
Place: Montreal
Publisher: Boréal

Quebec versus the Rest of Canada, 1965-2006
Journal: The Canadian Election Studies: Assessing Four Decades of Influence
Year: 2012
First Page: 136
Last Page: 153
Place: Vancouver
Publisher: University of British Columbia Press

Proxy Models for Election Forecasting: The 2012 French Test
Journal: French Politics
Volume: 10
issue: 1
Year: 2012
First Page: 1
Last Page: 10

Issue-Based Strategies in Election Campaigns: The Case of Health Care in the 2000 Canadian Federal Election
Journal: Political Communication
Volume: 27
issue: 4
Year: 2010
First Page: 367
Last Page: 388

Le comportement électoral aux États-Unis
Journal: Le système politique américain
Year: 2013
Place: Montreal
Publisher: Presses de l'Université de Montréal

Les élections? Quelles élections? Une analyse de la couverture médiatique des élections européennes dans la presse québécoise
Journal: La communication politique européenne sans l'Europe: Les élections au Parlement européen de 2009
Year: 2012
First Page: 191
Last Page: 202
Place: Paris
Publisher: L'Harmattan

Economics and Elections Revisited
Journal: Comparative Political Studies
Year: 2012

Leader images in forecasting: Sarkozy partly overcomes his record
Journal: French Politics
Volume: 20
issue: 4
Year: 2012
First Page: 369
Last Page: 372

Leaders' Images and Electoral Forecasting in French Presidential Election
Journal: French Politics
Volume: 10
issue: 1
Year: 2012
First Page: 11
Last Page: 21

Does a Presidential Candidate's Campaign Affect the Election Outcome
Journal: Foresight
Year: 2012
First Page: 15
Last Page: 19

After the US Midterms: A Whole New Political Ballgame
Journal: Policy Options/Options politiques
Volume: 27
issue: 10
Year: 2006
First Page: 67
Last Page: 71

La victoire de George W. Bush n'annonce pas une mainmise républicaine sur la Maison Blanche
Journal: Policy Options/Options politiques
Volume: 26
issue: 1
Year: 2005
First Page: 43
Last Page: 47

The Bloc Québécois: A Sour-Tasting Victory
Journal: The Canadian Federal Election of 2006
Year: 2006
First Page: 122
Last Page: 142

Political Trust and the Vote in Multiparty Elections: The Canadian Case
Journal: European Journal of Political Research
Volume: 44
issue: 1
Year: 2005
First Page: 121
Last Page: 146

Débats télévisés et évaluations des candidats: la représentation visuelle des politiciens canadiens agit-elle dans la formation des préférences de l'électorat québécois?
Journal: Revue canadienne de science politique/Canadian Journal of Political Science
Volume: 38
issue: 4
Year: 2005
First Page: 867
Last Page: 895

La montee des tiers partis au Quebec a l'election de 2007: conjuncture ou tendance?
Journal: IRPP Choices
Volume: 14
issue: 17
Year: 2008
First Page: 1
Last Page: 36

Un nouvel equilibre politique aux Etats-Unis
Journal: Le systeme politique americain
Year: 2008
First Page: 171
Last Page: 200

Forecasting the Vote for a Third Party: The British Liberals, 1974-2005
Journal: British Journal of Politics and International Relations
Volume: 12
issue: 4
Year: 2010
First Page: 634
Last Page: 643

Third-Party Support in Canadian Elections: The Role of the Economy.
Journal: Voting Behaviour in Canada
Year: 2010
First Page: 163
Last Page: 182
Place: Vancouver
Publisher: UBC Press

The Bloc Québécois: Victory by Default
Journal: The Canadian Federal Election of 2008
Year: 2009
First Page: 136
Last Page: 161
Place: Toronto
Publisher: Dundurn

Le comportement électoral des Québécois
Year: 2009
Place: Montréal
Publisher: Presses de l'Université de Montréal

Changements et continuités dans le comportement électoral des Québécois
Journal: l'État du Québec 2010
Year: 2010
First Page: 253
Last Page: 257
Place: Montréal
Publisher: Fides

Des défis simultanés. La reconstruction des infrastructures en Haïti passe par la consolidation de la démocratie
Journal: La Presse
issue: 30
Year: 2010
First Page: 6

Obama and the Economy in 2008
Journal: PS: Political Science and Politics
Volume: 42
issue: 3
Year: 2009
First Page: 479
Last Page: 483

L'électeur québécois et les partis
Journal: Les partis politiques québécois dans la tourmente: mieux comprendre et évaluer leur rôle
Year: 2012
First Page: 169
Last Page: 193
Place: Québec
Publisher: Presses de l'Université Laval

The Bloc Québécois: Capsized by the Orange Wave
Journal: The Canadian Federal Election of 2011
Year: 2011
First Page: 111
Last Page: 137
Place: Toronto
Publisher: Dundurn PRess

Continuité et changement dans le vote des Québécois
Journal: L'état du Québec 2010
Year: 2010
First Page: 253
Last Page: 257
Place: Montreal
Publisher: Boréal

Nowcasting V. Polling: The 2010 UK Election Trials
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 30
issue: 2
Year: 2011
First Page: 284
Last Page: 287

Journal: Auditing Canadian Democracy
Year: 2010
Place: Vancouver
Publisher: UBC Press

Forecasting the 2012 French presidential election
Journal: PS: Political Science and Politics
Volume: 45
issue: 2
Year: 2012
First Page: 218
Last Page: 222

The Compleat Economic Voter: New Theory and British Evidence
Journal: British Journal of Political Science
Year: 2012
First Page: 1
Last Page: 21

La persistance de l'effet patrimoine lors des élections présidentielles françaises
Journal: Revue française de science politique
Volume: 61
issue: 4
Year: 2011
First Page: 659
Last Page: 680

Virage à gauche en France
Journal: Le Devoir
Year: 2012
Place: Montreal

Comment la sociologie électorale prédit une victoire serrée de François Hollande?
Journal: Les Echos (Cercle)
Year: 2012
Place: Paris

Third Party Support in Canadian Federal and Provincial Elections
Journal: Canadian Voting Behaviour
Year: 2010
First Page: 163
Last Page: 182
Place: Vancouver
Publisher: UBC Press

French Election Theory: Why Sarkozy Lost
Journal: Parliamentary Affairs
Volume: 66
issue: 1
Year: 2013
First Page: 52
Last Page: 68

Obama and 2012: Still a Racial Cost to Pay?
Journal: PS: Political Science and Politics
Volume: 45
issue: 4
Year: 2012
First Page: 591
Last Page: 595

PIGS or Not? Economic Voting in Southern Europe
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 31
issue: 3
Year: 2012
First Page: 472
Last Page: 477

Economic Voting: Diversity and Value of Wealth
Journal: Electoral Studies
Year: 2012

A Political Economy Forecast for the 2005 British General Election
Journal: British Journal of Politics and International Relations
Volume: 7
issue: 2
Year: 2005
First Page: 191
Last Page: 198

French Electoral Reform and the Abstention Rate
Journal: Parliamentary Affairs
Volume: 64
issue: 1
Year: 2011
First Page: 45
Last Page: 60

Obama's Landslide Denied: A Racial Cost?
Journal: PS: Political Science and Politics
Volume: 43
issue: 1
Year: 2010
First Page: 69
Last Page: 76

Choosing the Dependent Variable: Sarkozy's Forecasting Lessons
Journal: French Politics
Volume: 10
issue: 4
Year: 2012
First Page: 364
Last Page: 368

A Socio-economic Status and Non-Voting: A Cross-National Comparative Analysis
Journal: The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems
Year: 2009

La communication électorale
Journal: La communication politique : état des savoirs, enjeux et perspectives
Year: 2003
Richard Nadeau
Place: Montréal

La persistence de l'effet patrimoine lors des elections présidentielles françaises
Journal: Revue française de science politique
Volume: 61
issue: 4
Year: 2011

Leader Effects and Leader Characteristics
Journal: Political Leaders and Democratic Elections
Year: 2011
Neil Nevitte
Place: Oxford
Publisher: Oxford University Press

The Chávez Vote and the National Economy in Venezuela
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 32
issue: 3
Year: 2013
First Page: 482
Last Page: 488
Thomas Didier

Election campaigns as Information Campaigns: Who Learns What and Does it Matter?
Journal: Political Communication
Volume: 25
issue: 3
Year: 2008
First Page: 229
Last Page: 248
Neil Nevitte

The Austrian Voter
Year: 2013
Michael Lewis-Beck
Sylvia Kritzinger
Eva Zeglovits
Place: Vienna

Un modèle d’explication du vote des Québécois
Journal: Les Québécois aux urnes,
Year: 2013
First Page: 191
Last Page: 207
Place: Montréal

Scope Conditions of Economic Voting: The Danish Exception?
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 34
Year: 2014
First Page: 16
Last Page: 26
Michael S. Lewis-Beck
Niels W. Botteril,

Patrimonial Voting: Refining the Measures
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 32
Year: 2013
First Page: 557
Last Page: 562
Martial Foucault
Michael S. Lewis-Beck

The Kramer Problem: Micro-Macro Solution Resolution with a Danish Pool
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 32
Year: 2013
First Page: 500
Last Page: 505
Michael Lewis-Beck
Rune Stubager

Economics and Elections Revisited
Journal: Comparative Political Studies
Volume: 46
issue: 5
Year: 2013
First Page: 551
Last Page: 573
Michael S. Lewis-Beck

La montée des tiers partis au Québec à l’élection de 2007: conjoncture ou tendance?
Journal: Choix IRPP
Volume: 14
issue: 17
Year: 2008
First Page: 1
Last Page: 36

Qui vote pour qui?
Journal: L’état du Québec 2013-2014
Year: 2013
First Page: 143
Last Page: 147
Place: Montréal
Publisher: Boréal

La dynamique électorale
Journal: Le système politique américain, 5th edition
Year: 2013
First Page: 229
Last Page: 265
Place: Montréal
Publisher: Presses UdM

Health Care Policy and Opinion in the United States and Canada
Year: 2015
Stuart Soroka
Antonia Maioni
Place: New York
Publisher: Routledge

Patrimony and French presidential vote choice: Evidence from the 2012 election
Journal: French Politics
Volume: 12
issue: 1
Year: 2014
First Page: 59
Last Page: 68
Mathieu Turgeon
Michael S Lewis-Beck
Martial Foucault

"The Influence Of Money In Politics"
Year: 2013
Martial Foucault
Place: Victoria
Conference Name: Canadian Political Science Association Meeting,

Cross-border Perceptions of US and Canadian Health Care Systems.”
Year: 2012
Stuart Soroka
Antonia Maioni
Place: Madrid
Conference Name: Congress of the International Political Science Association

“Strategic Issue Framing in Election Campaigns: The Case of Healthcare in the 2000 Canadian Federal Election.”
Year: 2008
Place: Boston
Conference Name: Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association.

Year: 2004
Neil Nevitte
Place: Vancouver
Publisher: UBC Press

Anatomy of A Liberal Victory: Making Sense of the 2000 Canadian Election
Year: 2002
Neil Nevitte
Place: Peterboroug
Publisher: Broadview P

The Confidence Gap: Income Divergence and Political Attitude in Canada
Journal: Canadian Public Policy
Year: 2016
Andrea Perrella
Martial Foucault

Does a Growing Income Gap Affect Political Attitudes?
Journal: Canadian Public Policy
Volume: 42
issue: 1
Year: 2016
Andrea Perrella
Martial Foucault

The British General Election: Synthetic Forecasts
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 41
Year: 2016
First Page: 264
Last Page: 268
Michael Lewis-Beck

Issue Ownership of the Economy: Cross-Time Effects on Vote Choice
Journal: West European Politics
Volume: 38
issue: 4
Year: 2015
First Page: 909
Last Page: 932

Economic Crisis, Party Competence and the Economic Vote
Journal: Acta Politica
Volume: 49
issue: 4
Year: 2014
First Page: 462
Last Page: 485

Villes de droite, Villes de gauche
Year: 2016
Martial Foucault
Bruno Jerome
Veronique Jérôme-Speziairi

The French Electorate
Journal: Oxford Handbook of French Politics
Year: 2016
Michael S. Lewis-Beck
Editors: R Elgie

Political Campaigning
Journal: Canadian Parties in Transition: Recent Evolution and New Paths for Research, 4th edition
Year: 2016

The Bloc Québécois in a Rainbow-Coloured Quebec
Journal: The Canadian Federal Election of 2015
Year: 2016

The Rainbow Wave in Quebec
Journal: The Canadian Federal Election of 2011
Year: 2016

The Economy and Federal Election Outcomes in Canada: Taking Provincial Economic Conditions into Account
Journal: Duty and Choice : Participation and Preferences in Democratic Elections
Year: 2015
Jerome Bruno

Between Leadership and Charisma, the Importance of Leaders
Journal: Personality in Politics? The Role of Leaders Evaluations in Democratic Elections,
Year: 2015
Michael Lewis-Beck.
Publisher: Oxford University Press

The Danish Voter, 1979-2015
Year: 2015
Kasper Hansen
Rune Stubager
Michael Lewis-Beck

Quebec-Scotland: The National Issue in Substate Politic
Year: 2015
Eve Hepburn
Ailsa Henderson
Publisher: Oxford University Press

Explaining French Elections: The Presidential Pivot
Journal: French Politics
Volume: 13
issue: 1
Year: 2015
First Page: 25
Last Page: 62
Michael Lewis-Beck

Forecasting Partisan Dynamics in France and Euroland
Journal: French Politics
Volume: 13
issue: 1
Year: 2015
First Page: 103
Last Page: 109
Bruno Jerôme
Véronique Jerôme-Speziari
Michael Lewis-Beck

French Popularity Functions: Different Measures, Different Determinants?
Journal: French Politics
Volume: 13
issue: 3
Year: 2015
First Page: 266
Last Page: 286
Mathieu Turgeon

Rendicion de Cuentas en las democratias en desarollo: El votante Latinoamericao (Economic Accountability in Low-Income Democracies: The Latin American Voter)
Journal: La Revista de Ciencia Politica
Volume: 35
issue: 3
Year: 2015
First Page: 463
Last Page: 488
María Celeste Ratto
Michael Lewis-Beck
Mathieu Turgeon

Economía y elecciones en Argentina: las dimensiones clásica (valence), posicional y patrimonial de la teoría del Voto Económico
Journal: Revista Sociedad Argentina de Analisis Politico
Volume: 7
issue: 1
Year: 2015
First Page: 199
Last Page: 201
María Celeste Ratto
Michael Lewis-Beck
Mathieu Turgeon

Record, Reputation and Economic Voting
Journal: West European Politics
Year: 2015

Elecciones latinoamericanas: selección y cambio de voto
Year: 2019
First Page: 1
Last Page: 270
Michael S. Lewis-Beck
Mathieu Turgeon
María Celeste Ratto
Place: Brussels
Publisher: Peter Lang

Villes de droite, villes de gauche
Year: 2018
Martial Foucault
Bruno Jérôme
Véronique Jérôme-Speziari
Place: Paris
Publisher: Presses de Sciences Po

The National Question and Electoral Politics in Quebec and Scotland
Year: 2017
Ailsa Henderson
Eve Hepburn
Place: Montréal
Publisher: Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press

Canadians' Belief and Call for Action on Climate Change
Year: 2016
Valérie-Anne Mahéo Le-Luel

Between Leaders and Charisma, the Importance of Leaders
Journal: Personality in Politics? The Role of Leaders Evaluations in Democratic Elections
Year: 2014
First Page: 169
Last Page: 190
Michael S. Lewis-Beck
Place: Oxford
Publisher: Oxford University Press

Explaining French Elections: The need to meet in the middle
Journal: Oxford Handbook of French Politics
Year: 2016
Michael S. Lewis-Beck
Place: Oxford
Publisher: Oxford University Press

The Economy and Federal Election Outcomes in Canada: Taking Provincial Economic Conditions into Account
Journal: Duty and Choice : Participation and Preferences in Democratic Elections
Year: 2019
Jérôme B
Place: Toronto
Publisher: University of Toronto Press

The market, the state and satisfaction with democracy
Journal: West European Politics
Year: 2019
Jean-François Daoust
Vincent Arel-Bundock

Emotions, Cognitions and Moderation: Understanding Losers’ Consent in the 2016 Brexit Referendum
Journal: Journal of Elections and Public Opinion Research
Year: 2019
Lewis-Beck Michael
Mongrain Philippe

Are Election Results More Unpredictable? A Forecasting Test
Journal: Political Science Research and Methods
Year: 2019
Lewis-Beck Michael
Mongrain Philippe

Satisfaction with Democracy and the American Dream
Journal: Journal of Politics
Year: 2019
Daoust Jean-François
Arel-Bundock Vincent

Patrimony and Participation: Across 28 Countries
Journal: Polity
Year: 2019
Lewis-Beck Michael
Foucault Martial

Democratic Legitimacy and Regional Representation: Upper Chamber Reform in Quebec and Scotland
Journal: Parliamentary Affairs
Year: 2019
Medeiros Mike
Bol Damien

Patrimony, Class, and Participation: French Elections (1988-2012)
Journal: French Politics
Year: 2017
Lewis-Beck Michael
Foucault Martial
Jérôme Bruno

The Confidence Gap: Income Divergence and Political Attitude in Canada
Journal: Canadian Public Policy
Year: 2016
Perrella Andréa
Foucault Martial

The Danish Voter : Democratic Ideals and Challenges
Year: 2019
Rune Stubager
Kasper Moller Hansen
Michael Lewis-Beck
Place: Ann Arbor
Publisher: University of Michigan Press

Framing the Victory : How the Leave Option Won the Brexit Referendum
Year: 2019
Ece Atikcan
Place: Montréal
Publisher: McGill-Queen's University Press