Visiting scholars

Visiting scholars academic year 2022 – 2023

March 2023 – June 2023

Maurits Meijers ((Radboud University, Netherlands)

Maurits Meijers Assistant Professor for Political Science at the Department of Political Science at Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. He holds a PhD in Political Science (graduated with a summa cum laude) from the Hertie School in Berlin, Germany.

His research focuses on questions on political representation and the competition between political parties. His work has been published in academic journals such as European Journal of Political Research, The Journal of Politics, Comparative Political Studies, Journal of European Public Policy, West European Politics, and Party Politics. Maurits is also co-initiator of the Populism and Political Parties Expert Survey (POPPA).



June 2022 – September 2022

Charlotte Cavaillé (University of Michigan)

Dr Charlotte Cavaillé is an assistant professor of public policy at the University of Michigan’s Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. Previously, she was a visiting fellow at Princeton University’s Center for the Study of Democratic Politics and an assistant professor at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. Through her research, which has appeared in the Journal of Politics and the American Political Science Review, Cavaillé examines the dynamics of popular attitudes towards redistributive social policies at a time of rising inequality, high fiscal stress, and high levels of immigration. She is currently turning her dissertation, which received the 2016 Mancur Olson Best Dissertation Award, into a book manuscript entitled Asking for More: Support for Redistribution in the Age of Inequality. Building on that work, she also studies the relationship between immigration, the welfare state, and the rise of populism. Cavaillé received her PhD in government and social policy from Harvard University in 2014.


Visiting scholars academic year 2019 – 2020

August 2018 – December 2019

Marta Rebolledo (University of Navarra, Spain)

Dr Marta Rebolledo is an Assistant Professor of Political Communication at the Department of Public Communication and Deputy Director of the Political and Corporative Communication master program at the University of Navarra.Her research interests include political marketing, election campaigns, and transparency and public communication from institutions. She has recently been involved on a research project entitled ‘Politainment in the post-truth era: new narratives, clickbait and gamification’ that focuses on the development of communicative political activity in the context of entertainment; and she is currently working on the relevance of emotions in the electoral processes from the perspective of candidates’ communication strategies and the effects on political behavior.

September 2019

Peter Dinesen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

Dr. Peter Dinesen studies social and political attitudes and behavior. Although he is a political scientist by training, his research falls in the intersection between political science, sociology and psychology. In his work he looks at how various social and political attitudes are formed.


Podcast episode: 030 – Peter Dinesen – Working together? Ethnic Diversity in the Workplace and Generalized Social Trust

Visiting scholars academic year 2018 – 2019

October 30, 2018

Joanna Everitt (University of New Brunswick, Canada)

Dr. Joanna Everitt is a Professor of Political Science at the University of New Brunswick in Saint John specializing in Canadian politics, gender differences in public opinion, media coverage of male and female party leaders and its impact on leadership evaluations, identity politics, and voting behaviour in Canadian Elections.


  • October 30: Talk at McGill University, “Stereotyping Gender and Sexual Orientation: How Identity Identification Impacts Voters’ Evaluations”

April 6 – 13, 2019

Elin Naurin (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)

Elin Naurin is a Wallenberg Academy Fellow and an associate professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg. She has a wide research interest in theories and practices of representative democracy. Specific interests are parties’ election pledges and politicians’ responsiveness to public opinion. She also studies adult politial socialization, especially the role of pregnancy for individual’s’ political opinions, behavior and knowledge about politics.


Visiting scholars academic year 2017 – 2018

March 23-29, 2018

Leonie Huddy (Stony Brook University)

Leonie Huddy is a Professor of Political Science at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. She studies political behavior in the United States and elsewhere through the lens of intergroup relations, with a special focus on gender, race, and ethnic relations. Her recent work extends that focus to the study of partisan identities in the United States and Western Europe.


May 14-18, 2018

Christopher Cochrane (University of Toronto) 

Christopher Cochrane is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto. Author of Left and Right: The Small World of Political Ideas (MQUP, 2015) and co-author, with Rand Dyck, of Canadian Politics: Critical Approaches (Nelson, 2014). Co-investigator of Digging Into Linked Parliamentary Data, an international and interdisciplinary collaboration investigating the written records of parliamentary speech in Canada, the UK, and the Netherlands. Interested in ideology and political disagreement in Canada and other democratic countries.


May 1-31, 2018

Sergiu Gherghina (University of Glasgow) 

Sergiu Gherghina is a Lecturer in Comparative Politics at the Department of Politics, University of Glasgow. His research interests lie in party politics with emphasis on party organization, legislative and voting behavior, and use of direct democracy. His recent work extends that focus to the study of citizens’ democratic preferences and political parties’ instrumental use of referendums.

Visiting scholars academic year 2016 – 2017


May, 2017

Roger Waldinger (University of California, Los Angeles)

Roger Waldinger, Distinguished Professor (Ph.D. Harvard) and Director of the UCLA Center for the Study of International Migration works on international migration: its social, political, and economic consequences; the policies and politics emerging in response to its advent; the links between immigrants and the countries and people they have left behind; the trajectories of newcomers and their descendants after migration.


  • May 23: Research meeting
  • May 24: Masterclass at McGill + lunch with CSDC members
  • May 25: Lunch with UdeM Students + Roundtable “Immigration et cohésion sociale: comment penser l’intégration des immigrants?”
  • May 26: Meeting with students at McGill + Talk “Immigration and the election of Donald Trump: Why the Sociology of migration left us surprised and unprepared” + Research meeting “Prospects for future research collaborations with UCLA Center for the Study of International Migration”
Image result for diana mutz

February, 2017

Diana Mutz (University of Pennsylvania) 

Diana C. Mutz (Ph.D. Stanford University) teaches and does research on public opinion, political psychology and mass political behavior, with a particular emphasis on political communication. At Penn she holds the Samuel A. Stouffer Chair in Political Science and Communication, and also serves as Director of the Institute for the Study of Citizens and Politics.


  • February 21: Seminar “Explaining the 2016 Presidential Election” + Lunch with ULaval members
  • February 23: Methods workshop “Understanding Population-based Survey Experiments” + Lunch with UdeM Students
  • February 24: Seminar “Mass Opinion Toward Trade in the US and Canada” + Lunch with McGill members

Visiting scholars academic year 2015 – 2016

jan van Deth

June, 2016

Jan van Deth (University Mannheim)

Jan W. van Deth is Professor of Political Science and International Comparative Social Research. His main areas of research include political culture, social change and comparative research methods. He was director of the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES), head of the international network of Citizenship, Involvement, Democracy (CID) and Book Series Editor of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). He is inter alia Corresponding Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences and coordinator of the German Coordination Team for the European Social Survey. His most recent book publications include: Comparative Polititcs: The Problem of Equivalence. Colchester: ECPR Press, 2013.


  • June 13: Lunch with graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from McGill and UdeM
  • June 14: Meeting with UdeM members
  • Jume 15: Meeting with McGill members + Keynote talk “Youth and Democracy: The endless story of an awkward relationship”
  • June 16 and 17: Youth Political Participation: The Diverse Roads to Democracy
Tom van der Meer

May 6-14, 2016

Tom van der Meer (Universiteit van Amsterdam)

Tom van der Meer is associate professor (universitair hoofddocent) in Political Science at the University of Amsterdam. He specializes in political trust, electoral behaviour, (ethnic diversity and) social cohesion, and research methods.


  • May 9: Meeting with members at UQAM
  • May 10 and 11: Meeting with members at UdeM
  • May 12: Meeting with graduate students and members at McGill
  • May 13: Methods Seminar “Advanced issues in cross-national multilevel research: tests for harmful multicollinearity, and tests for influential cases” + Meeting with Graduate Students + Talk “Political trust as a reflection of state performance: The paradoxical effects of macro-economic outcomes and quality of government on political trust”
Laura Stephenson

February 1-5, 2016

Laura Stephenson (University of Western Ontario)

Dr. Laura Stephenson is an associate professor in the Department of Political Science at The University of Western Ontario. Her research interests focus on political behaviour and the effects of institutions, including the issues of partisanship, voting, and the relationships between voters, parties and electoral systems, from both a comparative and a Canadian perspective. Her research has been published in several journals, including Electoral Studies, Political Psychology, the Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties and the Canadian Journal of Political Science. She is co-editor of Voting Behaviour in Canada (UBC Press 2010) and co-author of Fighting for Votes (UBC Press 2015)


February, 2016

Peter Söderlund (Åbo Akademi University)

Peter Söderlund is Academy Research Fellow at the Social Science Research Institute, Åbo Akademi University. He currently works on a research project entitled Personalization of electoral competition? (2014-2019) that investigates how candidate-centered electoral systems affect voting behavior and electoral outcomes. In the field of electoral research, he has published on political participation, electoral volatility and right-wing populist voting.

Visiting scholars academic year 2014 – 2015


April 2015 and June – August, 2015, 2015

Ellen Claes (University of Leuven)

Since October 2013, Ellen Claes is the head of the Teacher Training in Social Sciences and Philosophy. Taking a didactic perspective on political science, her previous and current work explores the effects that secondary schools have in shaping democratic attitudes of young people. Previous research especially focused on the cross-curricular civic education curriculum in Belgium, and the effects of civic education in the political socialization of adolescents. Ellen is also the co-investigator of the ‘International Civic and Citizenship Education Study’ in Flanders (an assessment of civic knowledge, skills and attitudes of 14-year-old students).


February 16th-27th, 2015

Jesper Strömbäck (Mid Sweden University)

Jesper Strömbäck is a Professor in Media and Communication at Mid Sweden University (Mittuniversitetet). His research interests include: political news coverage, political campaigning and marketing, the mediatization of politics, and comparative political communication research.

Kosuke Imai

October 27th-30th, 2015

Kosuke Imai (Princeton University)

Kosuke Imai is a Professor in the Department of Politics at Princeton University. His research interests include: the development of statistical methods and their applications to social science research.


February 8th-13th, 2015

Will Lowe (University of Mannheim)

Will Lowe is a political methodologist specializing in statistical text analysis at the University of Mannheim where he is a senior research at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES).

Visiting scholars academic year 2013 – 2014

Emily-Falk April 14-18, 2014

Emily Falk (University of Pennsylvania)

Emily Falk is an Assistant Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication. Dr. Falk’s research integrates methods from cognitive neuroscience (e.g. functional magnetic resonance imaging; fMRI), psychology (e.g. experimental studies of behavior in the lab; broad-based surveys in the real world; experience sampling), and communication studies to understand media effects at the individual, group and population levels. In particular, Dr. Falk is interested in understanding how people behave in response to persuasive messages (e.g. when do they change their behavior? can we predict how they will behave using neural data?). She is also interested in the spread of messages through social networks, and how social norms, values and culture spread. A primary focus of her work is health behavior change and the construction of effective health campaigns.

Aaron-Martin April 7 – May 2, 2014

Aaron Martin (University of Melbourne)

Aaron Martin was educated at the ANU, the Institute of Political Studies (Paris), Stanford University and the University of Melbourne. He returned to the University of Melbourne as Lecturer in the School of Social and Political Sciences in 2011. Aaron’s research focuses on young people and politics, public opinion, behavioural economics applications to policy making (using randomised controlled trials) and policy and citizens’ agendas. He is the author of Young People and Politics: Political Engagement in the Anglo-American Democracies (Routledge, 2012) and numerous articles. In 2010 he has awarded an ARC grant with Keith Dowding (ANU) for the Australian Policy Agendas Project. Aaron is currently working on a book on behavioural economics applications to policy making. Aaron also sits on the Australian Electoral Commissioner’s Advisory Board on Electoral Research.

Philipp-Harfst September 2013 – January 2014

Philipp Harfst (Universität Greifswald)

1359017_elin-naurin-l--g July 2012 – June 2014

Elin Naurin (University of Gothenburg)

Elin Naurin is a visiting professor at the Center for the Study of Democratic Citizenship, Department of Political Science, McGill University. She is also an Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg. She comes from a position as Programme Manager of the Multidisciplinary Opinion and Democracy Group that hosts the Laboratory for Opinion Research (LORe) at the University of Gothenburg. LORe performs online panel surveys of citizens, representatives and journalists. Together with Robert Thomson (Trinity University) and Terry Royed (University of Alabama) Elin has initiated the Comparative Party Pledge Group that investigates parties election pledge fulfillment in 11 countries. Elin is currently working on the edited book project Comparative Election Pledge Fulfillment. She also writes about citizens’ and representatives’ views of mandates and accountability.

 Visiting scholars academic year 2012-2013

rose_mcdermott June 2013

Rose McDermott (Brown University)

Rose McDermott is Professor of Political Science at Brown University. A 2008-2009 Fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University, McDermott received her Ph.D.(Political Science) and M.A. (Experimental Social Psychology) from Stanford. McDermott has taught at Cornell and UCSB and has held fellowships at Harvard’s Olin Institute for Strategic Studies and Harvard’s Women and Public Policy Program. McDermott’s research focuses on political psychology and international relations. Author of four books and over seventy articles on international relations, foreign policy, experimentation, the impact of emotion on decision making, social identity, and both evolutionary and neuroscientific models of political science, McDermott is best known for Risk Taking in International Relations: Prospect Theory in American Foreign Policy (Michigan 1998), Political Psychology in International Relations (Michigan 2004), and Presidential Illness, Leadership and Decision Making (Cambridge 2007). Her latest co-edited volume is the forthcoming Measuring Identity: A Guide for Social Science Research, with Rawi Abdelal, Yoshiko Herrera, and Alastair Iain Johnson (Cambridge). McDermott is currently involved in a series of projects investigating the biological and genetic bases of aggression, and a book project on pandemic disease.

Jean-francois-Laslier May 2013

Jean-François Laslier (Ecole Polytechnique)

Jean-François Laslier is a researcher at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique and a professor in the Department of Economics at the Ecole Polytechnique, in France. He is an associate member of the CSDC. His main topics of interest are social choice, welfare, game theory, and voting experiments. He is co-editor of the journal Mathematical Social Sciences.

Marina Costa Lobo April 2013

Marina Costa Lobo (University of Lisbon)

Marina Costa Lobo, D.Phil, Oxford University (2001) is a researcher in political science at the Institute of Social Sciences in the University of Lisbon, and a guest lecturer in political science at IUL. She is co-director of the Portuguese Election studies since 2001. She has focussed her research on electoral behaviour in Portugal from a comparative perspective, as well as semi-presidentialism. In the field of electoral research she has published on leader effects as well as economic voting. She is co-editor of the book Portugal at the Polls” (Lexington Press).

Dhavan-shah February 2013

Dhavan Shah (University of Wisconsin — Madison)

Dhavan V. Shah is the Louis A. & Mary E. Maier-Bascom Professor at the University of Wisconsin, where he is Director of the Mass Communication Research Center (MCRC) and Scientific Director of the Center for Health Enhancement System Studies (CHESS). Housed in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication with appointments in Industrial and Systems Engineering and Political Science, his work concerns the psychology of communication influence, especially effects of ICTs (information and communication technologies) on social judgments, health outcomes, and civic and political participation.

Michael Herron December 2012

Michael Herron (Dartmouth College)

Michael Herron is Professor of Government at Dartmouth College, and much of his current research focuses on election irregularities and patterns in electoral participation. He holds a PhD from the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University, an MS in Statistics from Stanford University, and a BS in Mathematics and Economics from Carnegie Mellon University. Herron taught previously at Northwestern University and has visited at Harvard University, the University of Rochester, and the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. In the aftermath of the 2012 General Election Herron is interested in assessing whether recent changes in Florida voting laws affected early voting patterns in the state. He is also studying patterns in rejected absentee ballots with an eye toward determining whether absentee ballot rejection rates vary across Florida, holding fixed voter characteristics.

Visiting scholars academic year 2011-2012

Lilach Nir Winter 2012

Lilach Nir (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Lilach Nir (Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania) holds a dual appointment as Associate Professor in the department of Political Science and in the department of Communication and Journalism at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She specializes in public opinion and political communication. Dr. Nir is a former Fulbright fellow to the United States, and is currently visiting on sabbatical at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (2011/2). Her publications include journal articles on news-framing and public discourse, public opinion perceptions, conversational dynamics of online political discussions, social network diversity and participation, developing a novel measure of opinion quality, and the contribution of political disagreement to opinion quality. Her work won awards from the International Communication Association and the World Association for Public Opinion Research, and has appeared or currently in press in Public Opinion Quarterly, Political Communication, Political Studies, Journal of Communication, Communication Theory, and the International Journal of Public Opinion Research.

Stefaan Walgrave Winter 2012

Stefaan Walgrave (University of Antwerp)

Stefaan Walgrave is professor of political Science at the University of Antwerp. His research interests are social movements, political participation, political communication and elections. He has published on these topics in such journals as the European Journal of Political Research, Political Communication, Comparative Politics, Mobilization, Journal of European Public Policy, Social Forces, Journal of Communication, and the American Journal of Political Science. He is a member of M2P, the Media, Movements and Politics research group of the University of Antwerp. His current research projects include a comparative analysis of the political agenda-setting power of protest in five European countries, how issues make news, shifting patterns of participation and representation in Europe, and a comparative analysis of sub-state nationalist discourse in election manifestoes and televised debates in four federal countries.