Missing the Message: Young Adults and the Election Issues / La sourde oreille: Les jeunes adultes et les enjeux électoraux
Journal: Electoral Insight / Perspectives Électorales
Volume: 7
Numéro: 1
Année: 2005
Première Page: 6
Dernière Page: 11

Are Party Leaders Becoming More Important to Vote Choice in Canada
Journal: Political Leadership and Representation in Canada: Essays in Honour of John C. Courtney
Année: 2007
Première Page: 39
Dernière Page: 59

Gender, Media Coverage and the Dynamics of Leader Evaluations: The Case of the 1993 Canadian Election
Journal: Capturing Campaign Effects
Année: 2006
Première Page: 336
Dernière Page: 355

Removing Rose Colored Glasses: Examining Theories of Social Capital through a Gendered Lens
Journal: Gender and Social Capital
Année: 2006
Première Page: 1
Dernière Page: 14

Gender, Social Capital, and Political Engagement
Journal: Gender and Social Capital
Année: 2006
Première Page: 379
Dernière Page: 390

Gender, Knowledge, and Social Capital
Journal: Gender and Social Capital
Année: 2006
Première Page: 241
Dernière Page: 272

Media Matters: Election Coverage in Canada
Journal: Handbook of Election Coverage Around the World
Année: 2008

Network Diversity and Vote Choice: Women's Social Ties and Left Voting in Canada
Journal: Politics & Gender
Volume: 3
Année: 2007
Première Page: 151
Dernière Page: 77

Back to the Future? Making Sense of the 2004 Canadian Election outside Quebec
Journal: Revue canadienne de science politique/Canadian Journal of Political Science
Volume: 39
Année: 2006
Première Page: 1
Dernière Page: 25

Explaining the Gender Gap in Support for the New Right: The Case of Canada
Journal: Comparative Political Studies
Volume: 38
Année: 2005
Première Page: 1
Dernière Page: 25

Beyond the Gender Gap
Journal: Revue canadienne de science politique/Canadian Journal of Political Science
Volume: 40
Numéro: 4
Année: 2007
Première Page: 815
Dernière Page: 831

Women to the Left, Men to the Right
Journal: The Globe and Mail
Année: 2006

Social Networks and Immigrant Women's Political Incorporation
Journal: INSNA XXVII International Social Network Conference
Année: 2007

Network Diversity and Views about Gay Marriage
Journal: The INSNA XXVII International Social Network Conference
Année: 2007

Gender and Vote Choice in the 2006 Canadian Election
Journal: Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association
Année: 2006

Challenge and Change: Voting and Elections in Canada
Journal: Oxford Handbook of Canadian Politics
Année: 2010

The Role of Social Networks in Immigrant Women's Political Incorporation
Journal: International Migration Review
Volume: 43
Numéro: 4
Année: 2009
Première Page: 727
Dernière Page: 763

Dominance and Decline: Making Sense of Recent Canadian Elections
Année: 2012
Endroit: Toronto
Publicateur: University of Toronto Press

Journal: Auditing Canadian Democracy
Année: 2010
Endroit: Vancouver
Publicateur: UBC Press

Do Polls Influence the Vote?
Journal: Capturing Campaign Effects
Année: 2006
Première Page: 263
Dernière Page: 279

Gender and Social Capital
Année: 2006
Endroit: Routledge

Boosting Women's Political Resources: The Power of Women's Social Networks. Final Report of Research Findings, Status of Women
Année: 2006

What do women really know?
Journal: Perspectives on Politics
Volume: 8
Année: 2010
Première Page: 93
Dernière Page: 109

Political Judgments, Perceptions of Facts, and Partisan Effects
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 29
Numéro: 1
Année: 2010
Première Page: 1
Dernière Page: 12

Patterns of Party Identification in Canada
Journal: Election
Année: 2009
Première Page: 147
Dernière Page: 152
Publicateur: Emond Montgomery

Diversity and Democratic Politics
Volume: 43
Numéro: 2
Année: 2010

A Socio-economic Status and Non-Voting: A Cross-National Comparative Analysis
Journal: The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems
Année: 2009

Corruption Was the Tipping Point
Journal: The Globe and Mail
Année: 2006

Harper Can Thank Federalist Voters
Journal: The Globe and Mail
Année: 2006

The Determinants of Youth Political Participation: Conventional versus Non-Conventional
Journal: The 4th ECPR Genera Conference
Année: 2007

How Voters Perceive and Evaluate the Prime Minister's Role in a Scandal: A Panel Study
Journal: The Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association
Année: 2006

Does Low Turnout Matter? Evidence From the 2000 Canadian Election
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 26
Numéro: 3
Année: 2007
Première Page: 589
Dernière Page: 597

Foreign Policy: Harper's Soft Underbelly: Insights from the Canadian Election Study
Journal: Inroads
Volume: 20
Année: 2007
Première Page: 117
Dernière Page: 21

Do Views about Minority Government Matter?
Journal: Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association
Année: 2007

Deliberation et changement d'opinion lors d'un sondage
Journal: Methodes de sondage
Année: 2008
Première Page: 147
Dernière Page: 152

Gender, Behavior, and Representation
Journal: Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science
Année: 2012
Endroit: New York
Publicateur: Oxford

Immigrants, Voting and Electoral Participation
Journal: Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration
Année: 2013
Publicateur: Wiley

An Overview of the Social Dimension of Vote Choice
Journal: The Canadian Election Studies, 1965 to 2008
Année: 2012
Première Page: 101
Dernière Page: 120
Publicateur: UBC

The Diversity of the Canadian Political Marketplace
Journal: Political Marketing in Canada
Année: 2012
Publicateur: UBC

Voter Characteristics and Leader Effects
Journal: Voter Characteristics and Leader Effects
Année: 2012
Endroit: Oxford
Publicateur: OUP

Voter Characteristics and Leader Effects
Journal: Political Leaders and Democratic Elections
Année: 2011
Endroit: Oxford
Publicateur: Oxford University Press

Canadian Democracy from the Ground Up: Perceptions and Performance
Année: 2014
Publicateur: UBC

The Political Integration of Immigrant and Visible Minority Women
Journal: Canadian Political Science Review
Volume: 6
Numéro: 2
Année: 2012
Première Page: 185
Dernière Page: 196
Lisa Young
Brenda O'Neil

L’abstention sélective, ou pourquoi les jeunes qui votent au federal boudent les elections municipales
Journal: Canadian Journal of Political Science
Volume: 45
Numéro: 4
Année: 2012
Première Page: 909
Dernière Page: 927
Eugénie Dostie-Goulet

What Do Women Know About Government Services and Benefits?
Journal: Canadian Public Policy
Volume: 38
Numéro: 1
Année: 2012
Première Page: 31
Dernière Page: 54

Assessing the Psychological and Mechanical Impact of Electoral Rules: A Quasi-Experiment
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 31
Numéro: 4
Année: 2012
Première Page: 829
Dernière Page: 837
Maxime Héroux-Legault
Laura Stephenson
William Cross

Deliberation from within: Changing one's mind during an interview
Journal: Political Psychology
Volume: 32
Numéro: 5
Année: 2011
Première Page: 885
Dernière Page: 919
Mathieu Turgeon
Joanna Everitt
Neil Nevitte

Her Mother's Daughter? The Influence of Childhood Socializaiton on Women's Political Engagement
Journal: Journal of Women, Politics & Policy
Volume: 31
Numéro: 4
Année: 2010
Première Page: 334
Dernière Page: 355
Brenda O'Neill
Lisa Young

The Gender Gap in Self-Perceived Understanding of Politics in Canada and the United States
Journal: Politics & Gender
Volume: 4
Numéro: 4
Année: 2008
Première Page: 535
Dernière Page: 561
Janine Giles
Melanee Thomas

The Political Resocialization of Immigrants: Resistance or Lifelong Learning?
Journal: Political Research Quarterly
Volume: 61
Numéro: 2
Année: 2008
Première Page: 268
Dernière Page: 281
Neil Nevitte

Election campaigns as Information Campaigns: Who Learns What and Does it Matter?
Journal: Political Communication
Volume: 25
Numéro: 3
Année: 2008
Première Page: 229
Dernière Page: 248
Neil Nevitte

Measuring expectations: Comparing alternative approaches
Journal: Electoral Studies
Volume: 27
Numéro: 2
Année: 2008
Première Page: 337
Dernière Page: 343
Neil Nevitte
Bruce M. Hicks

L’appui des Québécoises aux partis politiques provinciaux
Journal: Les Québécois aux urnes: les partis, les médias et les citoyens en champagne
Année: 2013
Endroit: Montreal
Publicateur: PUM

Women as Political Communicators: Candidates and Campaigns
Journal: The Sage Handbook of Political Communication
Année: 2012
Susan Banducci
Joanna Everitt
Endroit: London

Do Voters Stereotype Female Party Leaders? Evidence from Canada and New Zealand
Journal: Are Doors Opening Wider? Studies of Women's Political Engagement in Canada
Année: 2009
Joanna Everitt
Susan Banducci

Candidate Confidence and Electoral Appeal: An Experimental Study of the Effect of Nonverbal Confidence on Voter Evaluations
Journal: Political Science Research
Volume: 3
Numéro: 1
Année: 2015
Première Page: 43
Dernière Page: 52
Delia Dumitrescu

Gender and electoral communication: How differences in non-verbal and verbal behavior lead to different evaluations of male and female politicians
Année: 2013
Delia Dumitrescu
Nom de Conférence: Annual American Political Science Meeting

Les Québécoises & les élections provinciales
Année: 2013
Endroit: Québec
Nom de Conférence: Colloque « Élection québécoises 2012 »

Women’s Political Behaviour: Opinions, Participation and Protest in English-Speaking Canada,
Année: 2009
Brenda O’Neill
Lisa Young
Endroit: Toronto
Publicateur: UofT Press

Anatomy of A Liberal Victory: Making Sense of the 2000 Canadian Election
Année: 2002
Neil Nevitte
Endroit: Peterboroug
Publicateur: Broadview P

Making Up for Lost Time: Immigrant Voter Turnout in Canada / Rattraper le temps perdu: Le taux de vote des immigrants au Canada
Volume: 8
Numéro: 2
Année: 2006
Première Page: 10
Dernière Page: 16

Do Political and Economic Choices Rely on Common Neural Substrates? A Systematic Review of the Emerging Neuropolitics Literature
Journal: Frontiers in Psychology (Decision Neuroscience)
Volume: 7
Numéro: 264
Année: 2016
Sekoul Krastev
Joseph T. McGuire
Denver McNeney
Joseph W. Kable

Do Women and Men Respond Differently to Negative Views
Journal: Politics & Gender
Volume: 12
Numéro: 2
Année: 2016
Première Page: 344
Dernière Page: 368
Stuart Soroka
Lilach Nir

Political Socialization and Voting: The Parent-Child Link in Turnout
Journal: Political Research Quartely
Volume: 69
Numéro: 2
Année: 2016
Première Page: 373
Dernière Page: 383
Hanna Wass
Maria Vlaste

Which Matters More in the Electoral Success of Islamist (Successor) Parties: Religion or Performance?
Journal: Party Politics
Volume: 22
Numéro: 3
Année: 2016
Première Page: 325
Dernière Page: 338
Ekrem Karakoc

Lateral Orbitofrontal Cortex Links Social Impressions to Political Choices
Journal: Journal of Neuroscience
Volume: 35
Numéro: 22
Année: 2015
Première Page: 8507
Dernière Page: 8514
Chenjie Xia
Lesley Fellows

Freedom of Religion, Women’s Agency and Banning the Face Veil: The Role of Feminist Beliefs in Shaping Women’s Opinion
Journal: Ethnic & Racial Studies
Volume: 38
Numéro: 11
Année: 2015
Première Page: 1886
Dernière Page: 1901
Brenda O'Neill
Catherine Côté
Lisa Young

Perceptions and Performance: How Do MPs Shape Up?
Journal: Canadian Parliamentary Review
Volume: 37
Numéro: 2
Année: 2014
Première Page: 25
Dernière Page: 30
Heather Bastedo

The Decision to Vote or to Abstain
Journal: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics
Année: 2016
Editeurs: R Dalton

Setting the Agenda? A Case Study of Newspaper Coverage of the 2006 Canadian Election Campaign
Journal: Political Communication in Canada
Année: 2014
Première Page: 127
Dernière Page: 43
Endroit: Vancouver
Publicateur: UBC Press

Journal: Canadian Democracy from the Ground Up: Perceptions and Performance
Année: 2014
Heather Bastedo
Publicateur: UBC Press

Canadian Democracy in the 21st Century: Taking Stock
Journal: Canadian Democracy from the Ground Up: Perceptions and Performance
Année: 2014
Heather Bastedo
Endroit: Vancouver
Publicateur: UBC Press

Public Attitudes Towards Increasing Women’s Political Representation in Canada
Journal: Mind the Gap: Canadian Perspectives on Gender and Politics
Année: 2013
Première Page: 34
Dernière Page: 47
Joanna Everitt
Publicateur: Fernwood

Explaining the Modern Gender Gap
Journal: Mind the Gap: Canadian Perspectives on Gender and Politics
Année: 2013
Première Page: 48
Dernière Page: 63
Joanna Everitt
Neil Nevitte
Publicateur: Fernwood

Is There a Racial Divide? Immigrants of Visible Minority Background in Canada
Journal: Just Ordinary Citizens? Toward a Comparative Portrait of the Political Immigrant
Année: 2016
Jason Roy
Editeurs: A. Bilodeau
Endroit: Toronto
Publicateur: UofT Press

Information, visibility and elections: Why electoral outcomes differ when voters are better informed
Journal: European Journal of Political Research
Volume: 48
Numéro: 2
Année: 2009
Première Page: 256
Dernière Page: 280
Eugénie Dostie-Goulet
Neil Nevitte

Motherhood's Role in Shaping Political and Civic Participation
Journal: Mothers and Others
Année: 2016
Brenda O'Neill

Perceptions and Performance: How Do MPs Shape Up
Journal: Canadian Parliamentary Review
Volume: 27
Numéro: 2
Année: 2014
Première Page: 25
Dernière Page: 30
Heather Bastedo

Addressing Representational Deficits in Canadian Legislatures
Journal: Should We Change How We Vote? Evaluating Canada's Electoral System
Année: 2017
Première Page: 139
Dernière Page: 152
Angelina Wagner

Information on Party Strength and Strategic Voting: Evidence of Non-Effects from a Randomized Experiment
Journal: The many faces of strategic voting
Année: 2018
Laura Stephenson
Daniel Rubenson
Endroit: Ann Arbor
Publicateur: University of Michigan Press

Voting Strategically in Two-Vote Elections
Journal: The many faces of strategic voting
Année: 2018
Laura Stephenson
Daniel Rubenson
Endroit: Ann Arbor
Publicateur: University of Michigan Press

Gender and Candidate Communication: Is There a “Double Bind"
Journal: The Mediation of Gendered Identities in Canadian Politics
Année: 2019
Endroit: Vancouver
Publicateur: University of British Columbia Press

Using Linked Parent-Child Data and Causal Mediation Analysis to Study Parental Influence on Turnout
Journal: Sage Research Methods Cases
Année: 2019
Hanna Wass
Maria Valaste
Publicateur: Sage

Has the Gender Gap in Voter Turnout Really Disappeared? Evidence from Subnational, National and Supranational Elections
Journal: West European Politics
Volume: 42
Numéro: 3
Année: 2019
Première Page: 437
Dernière Page: 463
Filip Kostelka

The National Question and Electoral Politics in Quebec and Scotland
Année: 2019
Publicateur: McGill-Queen's University Press

Provincial Battles, National Prize? Elections in a Federal State
Année: 2019

The Complexity of Gendered Identities in Canadian Politics
Journal: The Mediation of Gendered Identities in Canadian Politics
Année: 2019
Publicateur: UBC Press

Turnout and Education: Is Education Proxying for Pre-Adult Experiences Within the Family?
Journal: Political Science Research and Methods
Volume: 7
Numéro: 2
Année: 2019
Première Page: 349
Dernière Page: 365