Série des conférences – Rune Stubager

on octobre 19, 2023 | 0 Comment

📍 Université de Montréal, Pavillon Lionel Groulx, C-1017-2, 3150 Rue Jean-Brillant, Montréal, QC, H3T 1N8.

🗓 : 10 novembre, 2023 @ 15h00 – 17h00

Le Centre pour l’étude de la citoyenneté démocratique présente:

👤 Rune Stubager (Aarhus University, Danemark)

Titre : Resurrecting the (not so) dead? How social class is alive and well in voters’ minds also at the polling booth?

Since the 1990s it has become a widespread perception that social class is of decreasing relevance to citizens in advanced industrial democracies. This pertains to the social realm where classes are seen as fragmenting and losing their meaning to citizens. It also pertains to the political realm where the decline of class voting has (almost) decoupled class and party choice. Indeed, some authors go as far as to proclaiming the ‘death of class’ in both realms. Against this prevailing perspective, I argue – and show empirically – that the dismissal of class is premature. Thus, despite changes at the objective level, class remains a relevant category in citizens’ perceptions of society; they identify with and have a (partly) political consciousness based on class just as they categorize others into social classes much as would Sociologists. In the political realm, furthermore, these subjective aspects of class influence attitudes and party choice and political candidates are able to attract votes using appeals to classes. Class is, thus, alive and well both socially and politically.

Tous les autres événements de notre Série de Conférences sont disponibles ici.

Cette série de conférences est financée par le Centre pour l¹étude de la Citoyenneté démocratique lui-même financé par le Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC).

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